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Shalom Uvracha Folder: This folder contains 25 review sheets. Each sheet is labeled “Student” or “Parent.” The parent version has the Hebrew in transliteration so you can follow as your child reads if you do not know Hebrew. Start with Sheet #1. It might seem easy – that’s ok. It’s a review. Take it slow – build confidence and focus on accuracy, not speed. (
Zman Likro Folder: This folder contains pages from the 2nd and 3rd grade Hebrew books. Parents of 2nd and 3rd graders can check in with Robin to find who what lesson your child is up to. (
Prayer Sheets: If you would like to review specific prayers they are in this folder, organized by grade. If you can’t find the prater, you are looking for email Robin ( If you would like to listen to the prayers chanted, they are here ( or check in with Robin.
Behrman House Apps: This website has free review materials You can practice decoding, specific tefila (prayers), keyboarding, and modern Hebrew. (
Robin ( is available to work 1:1 with students on Zoom to review, increase accuracy and build confidence.