July 27, 2024 |

Why Choose TI’s Religious School?

We are a vibrant and inclusive community.  We pride ourselves on so many things!

  • We are proud of our award-winning elective program, which combines art-based education with small group work and Jewish text study and is led by teachers and professional artists from our community. Our students display a tremendous amount of pride in the work they produce during electives.
  • We are proud of our flexible weekday options, and everyone always gets their first choice.  We are committed to working with every family to meet their needs, whether they are related to learning or scheduling. We will always work with you and we like to say, “Yes, we can!”
  • We are proud of our curriculum and experiential programming, which celebrates Jewish living and learning, and focuses on Jewish holidays, Torah, Jewish history, prayer, spirituality, Israel and Hebrew. Our integrated curriculum helps students explore their Jewish identity and prepares them to use Jewish values today, tomorrow, during their teen years, and throughout their lives.
  • We are proud that for three consecutive years, we have been invited to host a Shinshin (Israeli student emissary) to teach in our community. The relationships our students build with our Shinshinim strengthen their connection to Israel.
  • We are proud of our wide variety of teen programs: USY, madrichim/teen aide program, Rosh Hodesh, Shevet, Jewish Teen Funders Network and more!
  • We are proud of our talented Jewish educators, all of whom have advanced degrees in education. Most of our educators work full-time in local Jewish day schools or public schools, and at Jewish camps. Our faculty retention rate is near 100%. In education, the most important thing is quality educators, and professional Jewish educators are what you will find at Temple Israel.
  • We are proud of the smiles that live on our students’ faces, and the enthusiasm that emanates from them and reverberates throughout the Religious School. The passion for Judaism that our students and families bring to Temple Israel propels us from strength to strength.