July 27, 2024 |

Reverse Tashlich Family Event

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Sunday, October 2 (10-11am) at Dug Pond

On Rosh HaShanah, Jews around the world participate in the ritual of Tashlich. We go to a body of water and symbolically cast off the sins of the past year to start the New Year with a clean slate. However, this is not the only time humans cast their “sins” into the sea. Every year, millions of tons of human-made trash enter the water, posing health and safety hazards to the local ecosystem. “Repair the Sea” adds a modern ritual to the Jewish tradition: a local clean-up or Reverse Tashlich to our ancient ritual. Join our community on October 2nd, and be part of the international Jewish waterfront cleanup.

Please bring work gloves and wear appropriate shoes for cleaning up a shoreline. We’ll provide trash bags.

You may need to bring the trash bag you fill home to put with your trash.

RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/ReverseTashlich1002

For more information: Robin.Kahn.TIN@gmail.com