September 9, 2024 |

Parenting in Uncertain Times

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led by Margie Bogdanow

Monday, March 21, 8-9pm on Zoom

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“Decision Fatigue” is impacting all of us. As we complete year 2 of the pandemic, we’ve learned that we never know what’s around the corner. How do we take that knowledge and be our best selves as parents? How do we make decisions when there are no “right” answers? Join us for a conversation about ways to reenergize your parenting self. This session is geared for families with 2nd-5th graders.

Margie Bogdanow, LICSW, is a social worker, educator, coach, and consultant based in Boston. Her professional work focuses on supporting adults to make a difference in the lives of young people. She is the Wellness Coordinator for the Jewish Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative and a Senior Consultant (early childhood and teens) at CJP. She is a certified Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor and teaches classes around the United States. In addition, she was a co-creator of the Parenting Teens Through a Jewish Lens and Grandparenting Through a Jewish Lens and curricula. Most importantly, in 2014-2015, she served as a consultant to Temple Israel’s Religious School, helping us reimagine our program’s structure. She continues to support and champion Robin and the TI faculty.