July 26, 2024 |

Grade 7 Holocaust Education Information Session

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Holocaust Education Information Session

Grade 7 Parents

Sunday, November 1 – 9:15-9:45 AM

During this session, you will learn about the philosophy behind Facing History and Ourselves’ educational content and pedagogical strategies. Through a “miniature lesson” using Facing History resources, you will experience how Facing History challenges teachers and their students to think about themselves in relation to the communities they live in, and potentially stand up to bigotry and hatred.

This session and workshop will be led by Staci Rosenthal, a Program Associate on the Jewish education team at Facing History and Ourselves (FHAO). FHAO is an educational nonprofit based out of Brookline, MA.

For more information, please contact, Robin Kahn, Director of Education and Teen Engagement (Robin.Kahn.TIN@gmail.com)

Zoom link will be shared in a calendar invite.