Posted on September 6, 2020
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
Last week students talked about Shavuot. Through video, read aloud and conversation, students learned that on Shavuot we celebrate receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. Students also had an opportunity to think about rules that are relevant in modern times. This week we will discuss Shavuot as a harvest festival.
In Tanach we read the story of Deborah. Students had so much fun pretending to be an Israelite in Deborah’s time and asking Deborah to help with important decisions, with one student each weekday playing the part of Deborah. It was awesome to hear their creative questions and “Deborah’s” creative answers!
Next week we will discuss the theme of working together, as a wrap up to our Deborah unit, and learn the story of Ruth (Megillat Ruth) which is read in services on Shavuot.
We look forward to seeing everyone for Tefillah on Shabbat morning at 9:15am with Anna.
Shabbat Shalom
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
This week we began a new unit, and will be revisiting the concept of good leadership and working together with the story of Deborah and Barak. Students added their ideas to a Jamboard from the fall about leadership. Each group had an opportunity to work together to create a Help Wanted advertisement for a new leader of the Israelites to replace Joshua. What qualities does the new leader need to have? What will their job responsibilities be?
Wishing everyone a wonderful April vacation.
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
I hope everyone is having a Zissen Pesach!
In Torah we are working on the theme of freedom and responsibility through the story of Joshua sending two spies into the city of Jericho. Students enjoyed a readers theater of the story and an illustration activity. We also had a lot of fun explaining why the spies are not named in the story, and each student had an opportunity to name the spies themselves! Students have also shared insightful comments about freedom and the responsibility that comes with our freedom.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach.
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
Students have been very busy reviewing Passover, and this week we reviewed the story of Passover with a Readers Theater, and an online board game. In Torah we completed the story of Joshua and Caleb and the 12 spies. The students shared great insights about courage and positivity through conversation and journaling, and also discussed how having a positive attitude makes us good community members.
We look forward to seeing everyone for Shabbat Tefillah tomorrow at 9:15 with Anna.
Shabbat Shalom
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
This week we started talking about Passover. The students accessed their background knowledge with a music video and game, and used Readers Theater to review the Passover story. During the week our Torah class focused on the value of positivity with the story of Joshua and Caleb and the 12 scouts. Students had a great time sharing their ideas through different online tools.
Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom
Shalom Gimmel Class Families,
Shalom Second and Third Grade Families,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
This week in Hebrew School we reviewed the story of Purim with a Readers Theater and an online board game. In Torah class we read the story of the giving of the Ten Commandments and talked about what it means to be G-d’s special treasure. Using Padlet, we shared our ideas about Brit/covenant and why it is important for the community.
We look forward to seeing everyone for Tefillah tomorrow at 9:15am with Anna.
Shabbat Shalom
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
This week we had a great time talking and learning about Tu Bishvat. The highlight of our week was a visit from Rabbi Liben who shared some great insights about the Tu Bishvat Seder and seven species. Through story read aloud, illustration, and text study, students explored the importance of trees and the environment.
We look forward to seeing everyone at Tefillah on Shabbat morning at 9:15 am with Anna.
Shabbat Shalom,
Shalom Second and Third Grade Families,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
This week in Torah we started a new unit on the Ten Commandments. Through games, the textbook, and conversation, students explored the concept of being committed to something and learned how the Israelites committed to receiving and following God’s Mitzvot. They also enjoyed a Readers Theater of The Ten Commandments.
Next week, during the week, we look forward to a visit from Rabbi Liben to our Zoom Room.
We are excited to see everyone on Shabbat morning for Tefillah with Anna at 9:15am.
Shabbat Shalom!
Shalom Bet and Gimmel Families,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
We had so much fun celebrating Hannukah! On Sunday we had a blast playing a virtual dreidle game, as well as a Hannukah matching game. During the week we enjoyed lighting the Hannukiyah together! In our Torah class students worked on a craft project as a tool for sharing their feelings about justice and compassion.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Elizabeth Nemira who joined the Wednesday group this week.
I look forward to seeing everyone for Tefillah tomorrow at 9:15 with Anna, and on Sunday for our 4th virtual tour to Israel. I can’t wait to visit the shuk and make some delicious hummus!
Shabbat Shalom,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
Shalom Second and Third Grade Families,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
It was great seeing everyone after Thanksgiving break. This week in Torah we wrapped up our leadership unit with a Padlet where students shared ideas about why leadership is important in a community. We also started to explore the theme of justice in Exodus and our own lives through games and conversations.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Zoom tomorrow for Tefillah with Anna at 9:15, and on Sunday we will review the Hannukah story.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
Last Sunday we enjoyed our first virtual trip to Israel and we are super excited about our second one this Sunday. In our Holidays class, students reviewed the Erev Shabbat blessings, including the Kiddush, and learned some of the Havdalah blessings. In our Torah class this week, students explored the reasons why Moses was chosen as the leader of the Israelites, through discussions and a Midrash.
We look forward to seeing the students on Zoom tomorrow morning for Tefillah with Anna at 9:15am.
Shabbat Shalom
Hi Bet and Gimmel Families,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
Last Sunday students worked on singing some of the Erev Shabbat blessings after watching the video, Moishe House Rocks, about Shabbat rituals. During the weekday Torah class we began exploring the value of leadership in the Burning Bush story as well as our own lives. This Shabbat we look forward to seeing students in Tefillah with Anna at 9:15. We are super excited for our virtual trip to Israel on Sunday morning at 9am. Zoom links for this are in the “RS Zoom Links” document.
Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom.
Shalom Bet and Gimmel Families,
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
This week in our Holiday class students listened to the story, Starlight and Candles, and discussed how the characters in the story created Shabbat as an “Island in Time” for themselves. In Torah class we continued our exploration of the value of courage in the story of Moses’ birth and our own communities. Next week we will begin to explore the value of leadership in the Burning Bush story.
We look forward to seeing you on Shabbat morning at 9:15 for Tefillah with Anna.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom.
Dear Second and Third Grade Families,
October 22, 2020
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
This week in our Holiday class, students talked about Shabbat as a day of rest and an “Island in Time,” which they illustrated. In Torah class we began our Torah studies with the story of the birth of Moses, and focusing on the themes of courage, bravery and trust with different activities.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Zoom for Shabbat morning Tefillah, and on Sunday for Hebrew School and Apple & Honey Olympics.
Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom.
October 15, 2020
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
This week we introduced our Torah curriculum with activities and conversations about community. Students listened to a story about kindness, illustrated their ideal community and talked about important values. Next week we will start reading about the birth of Moses. I look forward to seeing the students at Shabbat services with Anna at 9:15am on Saturday.
Shabbat Shalom,
October 9, 2020
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
The students did a great job over the last month learning about the different fall holidays using different modalities such as stories, arts and crafts, games and conversations. Next week we will start our Torah curriculum with stories from the Exodus. This coming Saturday night, for Simhat Torah, we are excited to welcome the Bible Players, and we hope to see many of you there. We also look forward to seeing the students for Shabbat Morning Tefillah with Anna from 9:15 – 9:45.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!
September 18, 2020
Shalom Bet and Gimel Families,
It was so amazing to meet your students during the week and on Sunday for our opening days, and I am so excited to be working with them this year!
During the week we spent time getting to know each other and our aides and madrichim, Emma & Gabe (Tuesday), Carter (Wednesday), and Lisa & Kayla (Sunday). After an ice (or Zice) breaker activity, we talked about the different communities we belong to and shared some rules that make our communities work. This week we will do some activities around the value of Derech Eretz and use these conversations to make a Class Brit together.
On Sunday in our Holiday class, we spent time reflecting on last year, and thinking how to make next year better. We also played a matching game to review what we already know about Rosh Hashanah.
We look forward to seeing everyone at our Taschlich program on Sunday, September 27. Please watch your email for more details.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Wishing you all a Shanah Tovah.
Dear Families of 2nd and 3rd Graders,
We, Elena Berelowitz and Margie Matross are writing to introduce ourselves as the Grade 2 and 3 Teaching Team.
My name is Elana Berelowitz. I am a member of Temple Israel of Natick and have been teaching in the Religious School since 1999.
I’m Margie Matross, and I have been a member of the Temple Israel community as a congregant, parent, and teacher for many years. I grew up in Newton and lived in Israel for ten years after college before moving to Natick. I’m excited to continue working with the third graders and to get to know the second graders.
I am excited to be working with second and third graders on Jewish Holidays and Ritual, and Torah. In our holidays class on Sundays, we will learn to recite blessings appropriate to the holiday and learn about ritual objects, traditional foods, themes, and historical backgrounds. We will use a variety of modalities. Much of our focus will be enhancing the home celebration of each holiday. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, we will explore different Torah stories focusing on the values of “community” in the book of Exodus and beyond, and will supplement our conversations with journal writing, art, games, and discussions.
One thing we will do this year on Sundays is travel to Israel. Well, maybe my imagination got the best of me, but we will be learning about Israel and doing a virtual scavenger hunt and tour through the country. I hope that the students will share personal experiences and family connections to Israel during our Israel tour. In addition to studying Israel on Sundays, the second and third graders will also have a unit on Jewish values, exploring where in Jewish texts they are found and how we practice them in our own lives.
Margie will be teaching all the second graders Hebrew in small groups. Second graders will review the letters, add in more vowels and final letters, and put them all together to read. It’s always amazing to see the second graders realize that by combining the letter sounds with the vowels, they can decode simple words….and off they go looking everywhere for familiar words.
We will both teach small groups of Hebrew to third-graders. In third grade, students will apply the skills gained in second grade to decode different prayers, and they will also learn to chant them.
This summer, we participated in online professional development, and we look forward to sharing some of the resources with your students. We are also excited that we have some wonderful teaching assistants and madrichim working with us – Carter Freedlander, Emma Freedlander, Kayla Wilen, Lisa Clover, Gabe Klawans, Ari Klawans, and Ethan Duncan.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions:
Margie –
Elana –
We are looking forward to connecting with everyone and forming a “virtual community” together as we begin the Jewish Year 5781.
Elana and Margie
P.s. Please watch for an email from Robin with information on how to access Zoom links.