February 10, 2025 |

Grade 4/ Kitah Dalet

Posted on May 12, 2019

Need a link for a class? ZOOM links are here.

Need a link for a class? ZOOM links are here.

I am looking forward to our classes today and tomorrow.  We will be doing something fun and I need you to bring the following items to your Zoom class.  You are welcome to join any of my classes.  I teach 4th grade at 4:00 and 5th grade at 5:00. Tuesday and Wednesday. 
I hope that you are all doing well, staying busy learning and creating.  I have been finding that being in nature and creating art are relaxing and refreshing.  
For class:  Paper to make a sign.    3-4 pieces
                  Markers, or crayons      colors
                  Hebrew binder              
                  One Item to share         special to you
See you soon!  Bring your smiles!


Hi Fourth Graders,

I hope we’re all feeling well and staying safe!
The next two Sundays are part of April vacation, but we will still offer social activities for our class during regular class times!
This Sunday – Building. Bring building materials (Legos, blocks, play dough, etc) and we’ll all build while chatting. 
Next Sunday – Show and Tell. Bring something you’d like to show the class and tell us about it!
There are three more Hebrew school classes after the break: May 3, 10, 17. Details to follow.
Hope to see you on Sunday!


Hi Fourth Graders!

I hope you enjoyed a lovely seder last night! We’ll have time to talk about our seder experiences this Sunday.
Next class, we’ll watch a short Passover video that summarizes the Passover story. Then, we’ll play Passover Bingo! Please use the attached picture to create your own Bingo boards. You can arrange them any way you like (please change the order so we all have different boards). 
See you at 10:30 on Sunday!
Chag Sameach,

Hi Fourth Graders!

I hope you’re having a great week!
There are two assignments for this week that I think you’ll enjoy.
1) Since we started studying Israeli artists during our elective unit, I thought you’d enjoy learning about another Israeli artist, Hanoch Piven.      
His art is playful and fun! He creates portraits out of things you can find around your house.
Please check out his website (link below) to see examples of his work (and notice the Hebrew option), find things around your house that could be used for your self-portrait, have a great time creating your self-portrait in Piven’s style. Bring it to share with the class on Sunday.
If you don’t want to do a self-portrait, you may create a portrait of what you picture someone we studied to look like. 
2) During the Passover seder, we sing Dayenu – it would have been enough. This makes me think of gratitude and a well known saying from Pirkei Avot (Ethics of our Fathers) 4:1, Ben Zoma teaches: “Who is rich? The one who is content with what one has.”

Think about what that means to you. We all have much to be thankful for and it’s a good time to think about those things. Write a list of what makes you “rich” in your life.
Next week, I plan to have you work with that list for an art project.

 Class is 10:30 – 11:30 on Sunday. Zoom links are at the bottom of all Robin’s emails.  




We will continue meeting at our regular class time via Zoom.  If you are a Tuesday or a Wednesday student the link is the same.  
We will be reviewing the 4 questions. Please bring a Passover object or another piece of Judaica from your home to our class.

מַה נִּשְׁתַּנָּה הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה מִכָּל הַלֵּילוֹת

How different this night is from all other nights!

  1.  שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין חָמֵץ וּמַצָּה 

 הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה כֻּלּוֹ מַצָּה

On all other nights, we eat חָמֵץ and מַצָּה. Why on this night, only מַצָּה?
  1.  שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין שְׁאָר יְרָקוֹת 
 הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה כֻּלּוֹ מָרוֹר
On all other nights, we eat all vegetables.  Why, on this night, מָרוֹר (bitter herbs)?
  1.  שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אֵין אָנוּ מַטְבִּילִין אֲפִילוּ פַּעַם אֶחָת 
 הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה – שְׁתֵּי פְעָמִים
On all other nights, we don’t dip even once.  Why on this night do we dip twice?

  1.  שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין בֵּין יוֹשְׁבִין וּבֵין מְסֻבִּין 
 הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה – כֻּלָּנוּ מְסֻבִּין
On all other nights, we eat either sitting upright or reclining.
Why on this night do we all recline?
The Order of the Seder

The first of four cups of wine is poured; the kiddush blessing is recited to sanctify the feast day.
1 קַדֵש
The hands are washed before handling the karpas.
2 וּרְחַץ 
A vegetable is dipped in salt water, then eaten.
3 כרְפַס 
The middle of the three matzot is broken. The larger half is wrapped in a napkin and hidden for afikoman (dessert).
4 יַחַץ 
The second cup of wine is poured, and the story of the Exodus from Egypt is told.  It is a story about going from slavery to freedom.
5 מַגִיד 
The hands are washed before the meal.
6 רָחְצָה 
A prayer is said before eating the matzah, the bread of slavery.
7 מוֹצִיא 
A blessing for eating matzah is recited.
8 מַצָה 
The bitter herb is tasted.
9 מָרוֹר 
A “sandwich” of matzah, bitter herbs, and charoset is eaten.
10 כוֹרֵךְ
Shulchan Orech
The meal begins.
11 שֻׁלְחָן  עוֹרֵך
After the afikomen has been hidden and found by adults and children, it is eaten.
12 צָפוּן 
The third cup of wine is poured, and the birkat hamazon/blessing after the meal is recited. An extra cup of wine is poured for the prophet Elijah.
13 בָּרֵךְ 
The fourth cup of wine is poured, followed by psalms of praise and a prayer.
14 הַלֵל 
The seder concludes with songs and the statement, “L’Shana Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim/Next Year in Jerusalem”
15 נִרְצָה

If you have any questions or need to reach me, you may email me at horovitzmarsha@gmail.com.

I look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces again.


3-26-2020 (TALI)
Hi Fourth Graders! 

It was so great seeing you over the screen on Sunday! We’re doing it again this Sunday!
There are a few things you’ll need to prepare.
1) You’re going to create an alternative seder plate with items found in and around your home.
The Haggadah states that in every generation one must see him (her) self as if he/she went out from Egypt. How do we do that this year when we cannot leave our homes?  
For your seder plate, find alternatives for each item:
egg – something that represents rebirth 
shankbone – something that represents the temple and the Jewish hope for the Messiah to come.  
kapras – something that represents spring
charoset – something that represents hard work or something that represents the idea of holding tings together 
maror – something that represents bitterness
hazeret – something else that represents bitterness
If your objects are small enough, you can tape/glue them on to a self-made ceder plate (paper and cardboard work).
If some of your items are large, you can draw them on. Please bring your alternative seder plate to class on Sunday.
2) Think about the ways in which you are a helper and a giver. How are you like Elijah? 
Bring a mirror, paper, markers, and tape. Post-its are a good alternative to tape if you don’t have any.
If you have the Elijah elective packet, please bring it!
Sunday’s class is 10:30-11:30. Follow this zoom link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/822943872?pwd=c1VYZ0hyV0Q3OURGVlJXNnV5OXBHZz09
This article describes what Civil War soldiers placed on their seder plates. *** This article is at a higher reading level than what is typical for fourth grade. You may need to read it with an adult: https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/passover-seders-during-the-civil-war/
See you soon!

3-23-20 (MARSHA)

Monday, March 23, 2020
Shalom Kitah Dalet Families,
We are going to be meeting on Zoom this week.
If you are a Tuesday student we will meet on Tuesday at 4pm.
If you are a Wednesday student we will meet on Wednesday at 4pm.
THE ZOOM LINK FOR BOTH CLASSES IS: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6227691830
If you need to change days, please let me know in advance.
We are all learning to use Zoom.  We will practice patience and follow some general guidelines. 
1.  Please have your Hebrew School binder with you when you log in.
2.  Please have a pen and paper available.
3.  You are able to raise your hand virtually while using Zoom. We will need to take turns, wait patiently 
and be respectful of each other. I will go over this in class.
I am looking forward to checking in with you and practicing Hebrew learning.  In addition to the prayers we are working on, we will also be practicing the Four Questions.  You can print this sheet or have a haggadah handy when we meet online.  Please continue calling our google voice number 508-656-0441 and leave a message of you practicing.
I am excited to see you all online this week.

3-20-20 (TALI)

Hi Fourth Graders!

I miss you all and am excited to see you on the screen this Sunday! This class will be used to regroup, review, and have some fun. 
In preparation for our first virtual class (and my first time hosting a virtual meeting/class), please read the following:
–  think about the biblical stories, and life lessons, we’ve discussed this year
– choose one story that interests you and create a sock puppet to tell us about how you connect to it and what you’ve learned from it
– on Sunday, have a silly, fun time listening to sock puppets 🙂
Here is the link to the Elijah Packet and here is the link for how to make an AGAMOGRAPH.  You can still do the elective unit!

On Sunday morning we look forward to joining Anna, our songleader, for some virtual Tefillah.  This will be from 10am – 10:30am. Here is the link to join:

– Join our class at 11:15 through this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/438839247?pwd=aGRYLzQ5dGZwdnJyZkhMYjBvcVRYdz09 to start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Please bare with me as I navigate the technology.

See you soon!


4th Grade-Hebrew

The Kitah Dalet class is a wonderful group of 9 and 10 year olds. As you see in this photo, they are helpful to each other and will assist their peers, with their Hebrew pronunciation. 

The kindness to others, is exhibited in this classroom. 


4th Grade-Judaics
Fourth graders are enjoying listening to the biblical stories about Saul, David, and Jonathan. It is so nice to hear them asking for more at the end of each reading. Most recently, students thought about the life lessons learned in relation to times they have felt on the receiving end of unkindness and times when they have acted in unkind ways. Enjoy February break!

4th Grade- Hebrew
The 4th grade celebrated Tu B’Shevat last Sunday. Happy birthday to the trees!  We discussed the 3 types of fruit, with Skins, we eat the inside, with pits or seeds, and entirely edible. Thank you to the PA for providing us with our fruits. 

4th Grade -Judaics

Fourth graders had a great time playing Biblical Stories Superbowl on Sunday. They enjoyed throwing the ball and picking from the selection of questions. Just as in real life, the Chiefs won. Midweek, students learned about different fruit trees that grow in Israel and tasted dates, oranges, and olives in honor of Tubishvat.

4th Grade-Hebrew
This week the 4th grade has been moving on to avot v’imachot. Many students have chosen to stay on the Ashrei. They would like to master it. Please ask your child what prayer they are working on. Even better, take 5 minutes and ask your student to read to you. Then sign the calendar box.
The class has been beginning some mindful breathing to self soothe. Our fourth graders continue to enjoy our class time. 

4th Grade-Judaics
Fourth graders listened to the story about David and Goliath and noticed a comparison to standing up to a bully. They also made up Jeapordy questions for the other class to play (Tuesday for Wednesday and Visa versa). Finally, we read a story about a tree that held much meaning to a family in celebration of Tu Bishvat. The students also started on our Noah’s ark project, we are very excited to get creative!

4th Grade-Hebrew
Today in fourth grade we practiced  our Ashrei and talked about which lines stood out to us and why. We talked about happiness, gratitude for g-d, and treating people with respect.


4th Grade-Hebrew
The 4th graders are enthusiastic and eager to share their Ashrei. They are sounding cohesive and enjoy our experience with the incentive charts. The students understand they are working for themselves and they are all at different reading levels. We celebrate all progress. 

4th Grade Judaics
Fourth graders completed their posters and even got to write some skits about their core values. We also read about Samuel and Saul. After reading, students discussed ways in which they communicate with G-d. It was so nice to hear how many fourth graders thank G-d for all they have!


4th Grade-Judaics
Fourth grade learned about Samson and the Lion and Samson and Delilah. It was fun for them to compare the life lessons they extracted to different movies they have watched. Students also worked on a poster project in which they chose one of the biblical stories we have read and illustrated a scene from it along with the lessons learned. We look forward to more fun next week! 

4th grade-Hebrew

The kitah Dalet class was happy to be back in class after winter break.

We had many students fill in their charts and earn sweet treats. We welcomed Yahav into our class and he played a music game with us. He played music from different cultures and asked us to guess where they were from. It was actually a trick because all of the music is currently being played in Israel. We learned there are many cultures living in Israel. We participated in T’filah led by Robin and it was great to sing the Ashrei in the sanctuary. 


Fourth Grade- Judaics
Fourth graders focused on Hanukkah this week. They reviewed the Hanukkah story and played a trivia game. Most excitingly, students created their own Hanukkah board games using their creativity and what they’ve learned. They had a great time with this activity! We wish you wonderful Hanukkah and Happy New Year!

Fourth Grade-Hebrew

Today, we had some delicious latkes today brought to us by the brotherhood.  They also brought us applesauce and cider.  We had wonderful morning snack time.  We also chanted the Aahrei for the brotherhood as they served the latkes to all of the classes.


Fourth Grade-Judaics

Fourth grade has been having fun while learning! They have continued to work on the sun elective unit and are ready to share their work! Students have also continued to extract life lessons from biblical stories – most recently, learning about Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz and the power of tzedakah. Fourth graders had a great time playing a listening and direction-giving game with drawings (see pictures and ask your child about it). On Sunday, fourth graders reviewed the history behind why we celebrate Hanukkah and played a game with the information they learned. More fun to come next week! 

Grade 4-Kitah Dalet. -Hebrew
The students were happy to be back in class after their Thanksgiving break. 
Some students called Google Voice, to recite and practice the Ashrei. They are busy earning boxes on their incentive charts. Robin has been happily rewarding our Kitah Dalet class with sweets. The top of the school hallway is filling up with students completed charts. 

This is a particularly cohesive group of students. Lots of happy faces. 


Fourth Grade-Hebrew
The fourth grade has been working consistently on the Ashrei. They are improving weekly. 
This week we reviewed our letters and vowels. The students played a matching game, an Aleph Bet bingo game and used wikistix to spell out their Hebrew names. 

Our electives are continuing this week and the students have been enjoying learning about the sun. The three elective groups are working on their own projects. The groups are Batik, STEM and scratch art. Be sure to ask your student how their project is coming along. They are sure to give an enthusiastic response. 
Marsha Cerel-Horovitz

Fourth Grade-Judaics

Fourth graders continued to work on the elective unit this week. They also partook in an activity in which they chose one of the life lessons they had previously extracted from biblical stories and illustrated a personal life experience in which they used that lesson. Students then played a game in which they would choose a lesson and call on a classmate to think of a time he/she used it. 

Tali Brauner-Pell


The Kitah Dalet class is continuing working on the Ashrei.  They sound incredible while reading aloud as a group.  People have actually stopped in, as they pass our classroom to see who is doing such a lovely job chanting. Electives began this week, all of the students enjoy these classes.  They are learning about the sun, being that temple Israel now has solar panels on its roof.  They are in study groups, Havrutah, and in different elective groups.  Be sure sure to ask your child about their experiences, learning about the sun in Jewish history including the creation story and prayers, such as the Yotzier Or.

 We have reviewed our class Brit, rules for treating each other fairly and respectfully in our classroom.  When needed, the students will remind each other of the “rules” and there is no need for teacher intervention.  This class is a group of bright and happy children.  

Marsha Cerel-Horovitz


Fourth grade has impressed us all with meaningful discussions! They recently read about the Battle of Jericho and worked in small groups to extract life lessons from the biblical story. Topics of assertiveness, right and wrong, trust, karma, faith, and historical significance were all brought up by the students – they even had some debate over certain values! We look forward to continuing our elective unit on the sun and a craft activity on Sunday!

Tali Brauner-Pell



On Sunday we talked about Shabbat and made acrostic poems about what Shabbat means to us. We also drew pictures showing how our families celebrate Shabbat together. -Sarah (filling in for Tali)


Fourth graders enjoyed celebrating Sukkot with fun activities, including building Sukkahs out of popsicle sticks, string, and pipe cleaners. Students also started to extract life lessons out of biblical stories and applying them to their own lives. For example, after reading about Moses wandering the desert for forty years, but never making it into the Promised Land, fourth graders discussed how they could learn from Moses’s resilience. They also brought up the idea of the greatest gift one could have is being remembered/honored for something great. Later in the week, fourth graders thought of examples of personal successes and thought of how a combination of individual drive and practice combined with the abilities G-d gave them led to these accomplishments. Lastly, Bar, our ShinShin from two years ago visited us from Israel! We were all so excited to see him!


Kitah Dalet, 4th Grade, is off to a wonderful start with their learning!  We are practicing and continuing to learn the Ashrei. Students are calling in to Google voice and they are earning blocks on their incentive charts. A block is earned when the student becomes proficient in reading a new line. They also earn a block when they have practiced at home and had their calendar signed. When the chart is completed, the student earns an edible treat. 
With the high holidays upon us, we have been quite busy. Shofar blowing and decorating the temple sukkah have been fun activities. We are looking forward to our visit to a sukkah next Sunday. Chag Sameach!


Fourth graders learned a lot about Rosh Hashanah this week. They were introduced to a text from Leviticus that mentions sounding a loud blast on the first day of the seventh month, but does not specifically mention Rosh Hashanah. Students also reflected upon this past year and artistically represented both the good choices they have made and the decisions made that they are not so proud of. Lastly, fourth graders wrote person goals for the new year and “threw away” bad choices from this past year. Shana Tova!Fourth graders learned a lot about Rosh Hashanah this week. They were introduced to a text from Leviticus that mentions sounding a loud blast on the first day of the seventh month, but does not specifically mention Rosh Hashanah. Students also reflected upon this past year and artistically represented both the good choices they have made and the decisions made that they are not so proud of. Lastly, fourth graders wrote person goals for the new year and “threw away” bad choices from this past year. Shana Tova!


Dear Kitah Daled Families,

We’ve had an exciting first week of school! Fourth graders participated in a variety of games during the annual Apples and Honey Olympics. They also had the opportunity to celebrate Temple Israel’s 75th birthday with a fun family fair! In addition to all of the celebrating, students sang blessings with our new song leader, Anna, and played a game with our new ShinShin, Yahav. During class time, we played an acting game, similar to charades, as a way of sharing exciting moments from our summers. As a class, we also brainstormed ideas for how we would like our class to look, feel, and sound throughout the school year. We will use our ideas to create a class Brit. We’re off to a wonderful start and look forward to an amazing year! 
Please see the attached photos.
Kitah Daled Team


This is our final week as fourth graders! We have had fun learning together this year.

We are continuing to count the Omer. We discuss character traits and ethical dilemmas. Our class has wonderful deep thoughts, and it’s nice to see such young people thinking about these things!

On our last Tuesday, we played Jewish Hangman. one group chose the word N-I-T-Z-A-N. We will miss you, Nitzan!

Ask your children what holiday comes at the end of counting the Omer.

Thank you for sharing your sweet children with us this year, and have a fun and safe summer!



This week, we reviewed the Ashrei, which we’ve been studying all year. Some students actually know much of it by memory now! We also discussed Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Memorial Day. We talked about Yom HaAtzma’ut, the Day of Remembrance, and watched videos of people showing respect by stopping for two minutes (when a siren sounded) all over Israel.

We also talked about respect versus disrespect and made Bible mandalas for contemplation and calm. They will be bringing these home.

Ask your child why everything stops in Israel for two minutes one day a year.



This Sunday in Hebrew school, the fourth graders continued their work with prayers of peace. We circled back to the idea of doing good deeds for others and read a story about Abraham and Sarah and the gracious acts they did for strangers. The students spent time thinking about what good deeds they would like to be remembered for in the future. Student responses varied from “I’ll be remembered for helping at animal shelters” to “I will be remembered for making others laugh.” 
The fourth graders also enjoyed a special visit from Nitzan. Nitzan taught a lesson to the students on Israeli start ups and had students work in teams to sort through a variety of technological advancements to decide whether or not Israel was behind the innovation or another country. The fourth graders loved this friendly competition!


We are counting the Omer during t’filah. It’s the seven weeks between the second night of Passover and the holiday of Shavuot. Each week we use the counting to improve our own character traits. Week 1 was “chesed”, or kindness. We learned that every small step we take has an effect on everyone around us.

We look forward to continuing to learn about how to change ourselves for the better as we count up to Shavuot. Ask your child how they showed “chesed” this week!



In class this Sunday, the fourth graders  participated in some fun Hebrew games to practice their reading skills! We played bingo with words taken from the Ashrei prayer! We also played a trivia game with Nitzan about Passover where we answered questions about the holiday and competed for points.


The fourth grade is excited to begin our Passover spring electives. The students are discussing the 4 children in the Seder. These, of course, are the wise child, the wicked child, the simple child, and the child who does not know enough to ask.

Be sure to ask your student about their elective activities; specifically, you may ask about the four children and what they know about these four different characters. 

Lots of fours with Passover. Four children, four questions, and four cups of wine or grape juice.

Happy Spring!



This Sunday the 4th grade continued working on “Prayers of Peace”. We discussed the importance of having peace in many different areas of our life and focused on “the home”. We then came up with some different rules we would establish in our own future homes to create a foundation of peace. Later, we started working on the Sim Shalom prayer and practiced reading the lines of the prayer in Hebrew. Next week, we will add in the tune. 



On Sunday, the fourth graders continued discussing “prayers of peace”. We had a conversation about what the world would look like if it was “at peace”. The question was posed, “What problems need to be addressed to make that happen?” (example: hunger, homelessness, access to education). The students then shared talents and qualities they possess that could help reduce these problems. Previously, we looked at the “Oseh Shalom” prayer and will soon be studying the “Sim Shalom” prayer. 


The Kitah Dalet class has been working on the Purim. We watched videos and we discussed the story and it’s meaning. Standing up for yourself is an important lesson. 
We did something a bit different. We did a Jewish holiday word search and a שלום Hebrew word search. They are in the students binders.
Happy Purim!!!  



We’re looking forward to the Purim carnival next week, and to learning about Passover! We’re especially excited to learn about the Four Questions and the story of Exodus.

We also read the “The Tattooed Torah” by Maxwell Ginsburg together, taking turns passing the book after a page. The story was about a small Torah that was taken during the Holocaust. Eventually it, and other Torahs like it, were saved and dedicated in new synagogues around the world.

Ask your child – why was the tattooed Torah sad?


The fourth grade discussed the Purim story. Our heroine, Queen Esther, won a beauty contest, which took place after the sexist king had his queen, Vashti, banished for disobeying him. The Persian king and his advisor, Haman, planned to kill the Jews because Mordechai refused to bow down to Haman. Jews only bow to God.

Esther revealed her Judaism to the king after Haman drew lots (pur in Hebrew) to choose a day to kill all of the Jews. Fortunately, Queen Esther prevented the massacre. Haman was hanged on the gallows he had built for the Jews.

The fourth graders learned about, and more clearly understand, the festival of Purim.

We also watched The Maccabeats and Bim Bam Purim YouTube videos. 

– Marsha


From Diana: This week in fourth grade, the students participated in a conversation about mitzvot. Students shared their understanding of mitzvot and discussed good deeds they can do for others in the community: volunteering in food pantries and donating clothes to those in need. We then practiced our Hebrew reading skills with several games. Students reviewed the Ashrei prayer and continued working on reading their lines from the Prayer for the State of Israel.

From Marsha: The fourth grade has been practicing and perfecting their chanting of the Ashrei. We played a makeshift basketball game in class. Once a basket was made, the students needed to read or chant, the particular line or lines, chosen by the teacher, to earn the points. The activity was successful adding movement, challenge and reading to the study of Ashrei. 

From Tali: The fourth graders have been working on the Joseph play. We are currently doing a read through and assigning parts.


The fourth graders are continuing to expand their Ashrei practice. Many of the students are excited to earn boxes on their incentive chart. When the chart is filled, they bring the completed chart to Robin, and are rewarded with a handful of m&m’s.

As part of learning the prayers and blessings, we discuss the meaning of the Hebrew words. This week, students were introduced to “words in the siddur”. Our discussions were of words like:  sovereignty, awe, soul and holy. The students were lively participants with interesting perspectives.

Fourth Graders have been learning the story of Joseph. We discussed how lessons learned from the Joseph story can apply to our lives today. Students also worked in groups to create posters expressing the importance of trees through art and words. Fourth graders will learn about a Tu Bishevat seder. We will learn about the famine and how Joseph reunited with his brothers. Ask your child: What does the way Jews celebrate Tu Bishevat say about our connection to trees and nature?

On Sunday in Hebrew school, we continued our conversation about gratitude. After discussing the Modeh Ani prayer last week (the first prayer typically recited when we wake up) and talking about the importance of starting our day off on a positive note, the students began thinking about what they are grateful for. In class, we continued discussing all of the things we are lucky to have that so many others do not. This eventually led to a conversion about doing good deeds for others. The students read an article about a boy who created the Gotta Have Sole Foundation to help provide homeless families with brand new shoes. The boy who took on this project actually started it as his Bar Mitzvah project, which the fourth graders found very interesting. The students discussed how much of a difference the boy made for the lives of so many people. A set of boy and girl twins he had helped had previously owned only one pair of pink sparkly shoes. Only one twin got to wear this pair of shoes to school at a time while the other stayed home. The students were horrified at how much school this meant the twins were missing.

Later in the day, Nitzan came in to lead an activity with the kids about Jewish holidays. They reviewed holidays we have learned about previously in the year and Nitzan prepared the kids for the upcoming holiday, Tu B’Shvat, which we will be soon celebrating with a Seder. 

Have a wonderful week,



We summarized our learning with the Birkot Hamazon during the electives. The sign language elective group showed us their ability to use American Sign language of the verse we learned. The embroidery elective group showed displayed their challah covers. And the local food elective group educated us about seeds, growing season, and soup kitchens. We are looking forward to learning the remainder of the Ashrei for the rest of the school year. Also, we are looking forward to having a safe and enjoyable vacation!

You can ask your kids: What is the Birkot Hamazon?


Dear Kitah Dalet families, 

This Sunday, we had a chance to celebrate Hanukkah with lots of fun holiday-themed activities. First, we discussed the Hanukkah holiday and the history behind it while also connecting it to the Revolutionary War. To do this, we read a book called “Hanukkah at Valley Forge”, a piece of historical fiction. After reading this thought-provoking story, the students had a chance to connect the Hanukkah holiday to the Fourth of July holiday that we celebrate in America every year. The students were able to draw many similarities between the two special celebrations. 

After listening to this story, the students participated in a Hanukkah-themed jeopardy game where they worked in teams to answer a variety of questions about the history of Hanukkah, Hanukkah foods we eat, and questions about the menorah. Many of these answers were given in the story we had read. The students very much enjoyed this activity. Halfway through our day, the fourth graders went down to the social hall to participate in a Hanukkah celebration where the whole religious school sang songs, played dreidel, and ate latkes.


The fourth grade chanted Ashrei while a student read the English translation. We discussed God’s majesty, splendor, sovereignty, and awesome gifts. God is revered repeatedly by David, who has spent years in the hills with sheep admiring God’s majestic planet, mountains, trees, animals and wrote the beautiful Psalm.
You can ask your child What was king David’s job as a young man?

Happy Thanksgiving!



We continue practicing and moving on with the Ashrei. We began our electives where we are discussing the Birkot HaMazon. So we broke out into three different groups on Tuesday (Embroidery, Sign Language, and Local Food) and three different groups on Wednesday (Embroidery, Sign Language, and Storyboarding). We are looking forward to Hanukkah and the next three weeks of electives (we skip next week due to no religious school next Wednesday and will resume week 2 November 27/28).

Ask your child, Why are we thankful to God after eating a meal?


Check your Homework Calendars



Fourth graders — 

– Practiced Ashrei in groups and with Marilyn (our volunteer)

– Tuesday’s group played Hebrew four corners
– We talked about the Ashrei being alphabetical – acrostic

We will begin electives next week. We will also learn the meaning behind the Birkhat Hamazon.

Ask your child: Who wrote the Ashrei?


Fourth graders-

– Were asked: What makes up your Jewish identity?
– Worked in groups to brainstorm thoughts. A few examples included: becoming an adult at Bas Mitzvah instead of 18, studying Torah, keeping kosher, attending Hebrew school, repenting for sins on Yom Kippur.
– Shared responses with the other group

We look forward to …

– Writing six word stories

Ask your child about his/her Jewish identity.


Fourth Graders on Sunday– 

– Played a bingo game 
– Worked on Ashrei in small groups 
– Nitzan came and taught us a few Israeli hand gestures and how to use them when having a conversation with someone.

Rachel (Sub on Sunday 11/4)


Fourth graders …

– learned parts of the Torah portion with a focus on Abraham inviting the travelers/angels in and treating them well. They also discussed Sarah having a child at such an old age.
– building upon the parsha, students discussed the importance of treating others well and being both a good host and guest.
– relating to Sarah, fourth graders shared something each has wanted for a very long time and what he/she has done to try get it. 

We can look forward to …

– continued discussion on how good needs tend to lead to other good needs and the importance of community.
– thinking about our roles as Jews in both the Jewish community and the greater community.

Ask your child how he/she feels when working hard to be a good friend, family member, or host 


Shalom Kitah Dalet Families!

We are off to a wonderful start of the school year. Students are feeling comfortable with our teaching arrangements. Having two teachers on Sunday, another during the week. 
Diana is taking the lead with the Hebrew, although it is practiced and checked during the week. The goal, of filling up incentive sheets is working. There is an edible reward for full sheets. 
The students should be practicing at home. Preferably with a parent, grandparent or sibling. You do not need to know the Ashrei, to be able to listen. The practice work, done in front of an avid listener, is enough to help build knowledge and confidence. Thank you for finding time in your busy schedules, to allow a 5 minute practice, to become routine. The student should practice alone first, then read or chant for you. Maybe a total of 10 min. 

Thank you for sharing your fantastic fourth graders with us. We are enjoying getting to know each of them. 


Dear Kitah Dalet families,

The fourth graders had a wonderful Sunday morning at TI! We continued our study of the Ashrei prayer and held a discussion about what big/small things in our lives make us happy. The students had wonderful responses. Among these included: family, friends, pets, birthdays, getting a good night’s sleep, having down time, and spending holidays with family. This discussion helped us make a connection to our prayer of study as Ashrei translates to, “happy”. We will continue this conversation further next week. After Hebrew class, Nitzan joined us to teach the fourth graders about Hebrew slang. She led several activities with them which they very much enjoyed. 




Fourth graders …

1) wrapped up last week’s written responses with their groups. Students shared their work and sparked another engaging discussion about G-d’s role in making personal choices.
2) discussed Lech Lecha and gave examples of when they felt complete faith and trust (as Abraham completely trusted G-d).
3) thought about situations in which they want complete control and why. Where does faith come into play when wanting control?

Students can look forward to …
1) discussing next week’s Torah portion
2) continued questioning and reflection the influence G-d has in our lives.  

Ask your child …

1) How can we all be Jewish (in our class) yet have so many different ideas about G-d and personal faith?  
2) Why is questioning encouraged?


Dear Kitah Dalet families,

We had another fantastic Hebrew class on Sunday at TI! The kids continued practicing the Ashrei and also had a chance to practice their Hebrew reading skills in some different games. They played several rounds of Hebrew Tic Tac Toe as well as a Hebrew reading board game. 



Kitah Dalet is moving along nicely on the Ashrei psalm. The entire class now chants the first fifteen lines together. Some students are ahead and some are learning a bit slower but all are progressing. 
We are learning the correct spellings of our Hebrew names and will stencil them onto paper and draw things about ourselves on the page. These will all be displayed on the classroom bulletin board. 

The discussions continued about whether God cares about the World Series. We certainly do. God simply wants, us all to be the best we can be. Choosing a favorite team is left to the Boston fans. Go Red Sox!



Dear Kitah Dalet families,

The fourth graders have been hard at work learning the lines of the Ashrei prayer! We have been practicing this through choral reading, partner reading, and independent reading to build fluency. The kids are excited about all their progress and the boxes they’ve been able to fill out on their incentive charts for all their effort. 



Kitah Dalet has been working hard, learning the first ½ of the Ashrei. It is a long psalm, that was written by King David. It is acrostic, meaning that it is alphabetical.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we are reading a book of questions about God. It helps to open our minds and leads to interesting discussions. Does God care about who wins the World Series or the Super Bowl?  Does God only understand Hebrew? Where do people go when they die?  There are three Rabbinical responses, to answer the questions. We have lively conversation amongst the fourth graders. They are quite curious.
