January 24, 2025 |

Grade 2 Update

Posted on May 23, 2018

What an amazing last day of Second Grade!  We began Sunday morning in the classroom marveling  that we had counted the Omer for forty nine days and that we were ready to receive the Torah just as the Israelites had seven weeks after they had left Egypt.  We reviewed the Ten Commandments, agreed that they are indeed important guidelines to live by and that perhaps the word Commandment is not the proper translation as they are not all commandments. 

We then joined the rest of the school and the congregation in the sanctuary to sing the “Hallel” prayer and to participate in Temple Israel’s Shavuot tradition of passing Torah scrolls amongst all the people present.  We left the sanctuary before the Torah service began and participated in a reenactment of the Exodus from Egypt and receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai.  The kids loved seeing Bar portray Moses, Robin  the Pillar of Cloud  that leads the Israelites through the desert, and Michelle Nelson  God.  The rest of the staff played various Israelites, the Pillar of Fire and even the rock which Moses struck in an effort to bring forth water.  The children walked through the walls of the Red Sea as it parted and from room to room in search of water and food, and to stand at the foot of Mount Sinai to hear the Ten Commandments chanted in Hebrew. 

We returned to our classroom to play a game in which we remembered many of the things we did during the year and talked about some of our favorite things.  Then it was back to the sanctuary to hear Rabbi Liben tell a story.   It was great to see many of you afterward enjoying lunch and each others company.