July 27, 2024 |

Second Grade Update

Posted on May 9, 2018

Another busy morning in Kitah Bet.  Listening to the students read always puts a smile on  the face of every adult in the room! At this point the class can properly identify and match each letter to the correct sound.  We know the basic vowels and are no longer intimidated by longer words, we know to sound them out letter by letter.  We continue to work on some of the less common vowel combinations which will be reinforced in the Third Grade.

The highlight of the morning was attending the Gesher Siyum (Seventh Grade Closing Presentation) as a class.  There were many siblings, and a cousin, who were marking the conclusion of this stage of their Jewish education as they complete their studies in our Religious School!  It was great to be present as the Seventh Graders led us in a short Prayer Service and shared some of their reflections with us.  The Second Graders were awesome audience members and helped end the morning by spontaneously joining in, well really helping to lead, the Shehecheyanu Prayer!

We are looking to forward to ending the year with two fantastic Sunday morning events.  This coming Sunday is our Israel Celebration and formal goodbye to Bar.  I will be at a wedding in New York but look forward to hearing about it from the kids next Tuesday and Wednesday.  The following Sunday is the first day of the Holiday of Shavuot and our last day of classes. It should be a very exciting way to end the year, participating in the tradition of passing the Torah Scrolls in the sanctuary, a special program in the school wing and saying goodbye in the classroom.  Hope to see you all there!