January 12, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 5-6-18

Posted on May 7, 2018

Hello Gan Class Families,

It is so hard to believe that there are only two more classes together and that both of those days will be filled with special activities.  The year has passed by us so quickly and it is amazing to see how much all of the Gan Class students have grown.

Tefillah took place in the Aleph classroom today.  We were encouraged to sing with strong voices and think about the meaning of the prayers.  I am so impressed with our Gan Class students.  As I looked around the room, everyone was singing the words or doing the motions to our prayers.  They have done such a great job learning Modeh Ani and the Shema as well as using the time during the Amidah to reflect on something they are grateful for.

Today was our last lesson with Bar.  He asked that all the students make him a picture so that he could compile a note from all of the students in our school.  Students asked me to help them spell words so that they could tell Bar that they will miss him and Good Luck in Israel.  After, students were encouraged to ask Bar any questions they hadn’t had the opportunity to ask this year.  We learned that when he gets back to Israel he will join the Army.  He hopes to be able to visit with us again in 3 years when he completes his service.

The rest of the day was dedicated to work on our Aleph Bet letters.  We had three letters left to learn, zayin, tsadee and resh.  Zayin makes the sound z- and begins the word zebra, tsadee makes the sounds tz- and starts the word tzedakah and resh makes the sound r- and begins the word rimonim.  

Next week we will participate in the Walk-a-thon.  Please make sure that you refer to the event flyer and Robin’s emails for all the details about this excellent opportunity.  

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.
