January 23, 2025 |

Grade 5 Update

Posted on April 12, 2018

Dear Kitah Hey families, 
This week we have been discussing the idea of justice which is a fitting topic as it fits right in with the havruta discussions we have been having during or Passover electives. In Hebrew, we played several games including a classwide competition of charades which involved the Hebrew words for the ten plagues and other words related to the Passover story (i.e Miriam, Moses, Desert, Water). The students enjoyed these fun activities! They are continuing to practice their Aleinu prayer and have now learned how to chant about half of the prayer! Tonight and Wednesday night we will have an exciting Question and Answer session with the rabbi where students will be able to ask burning questions they still have about Passover, justice, and anything else they are wondering about Judaism.
Tali and Diana