February 17, 2025 |

Grade 1 Update

Posted on April 12, 2018

This week we learned that, just like the United States, Israel has a birthday. This year it will be celebrated on April 19. We looked at pictures from a Day in Israel and discovered that in Israel there things are the same as in the United States (kids ride the bus to school, families have dinner together in their homes) and things that are different (camels, the Dead Sea). The students really enjoyed the pictures!
In Hebrew, we learned two new letters: Pay (פ), which has a penny next to its pocket, and samech (ס), which has a smile. We are close to having learned the entire Hebrew alphabet and are really good at singing the aleph bet.
Bar taught us about Jerusalem and showed us a video of Grover traveling around Jerusalem with a young friend. Then we made stones and wrote wishes for the Kotel (the Western Wall).
We also got to help hang Mezuzahs on the Gan and Kiteh Aleph classroom doors. They already have Mezuzahs, but we hung new ones down lower so that everyone can have access to a Mezuzah when they go through the doors.

There is no Religious School for the next two weeks because it is school vacation. Have a wonderful break and we’ll see you in a few weeks.