July 27, 2024 |

Gimel Goings On

Posted on April 9, 2018

Shalom Gimel Families!

I hope you all had a great Passover!

Students had a good time in their different electives and enjoyed reflecting on and sharing their learning with their classmates.

In Hebrew students have learned the first 13 lines of Ashrei and they continue to practice in class through whole group reading, small group reading, buddy reading and reading games.  Please encourage your student to practice their reading for a few minutes each day.

The highlight of our day yesterday was the Mezuzah hanging ceremony.  Students met in the hallway with the Cantor, Rabbi, Robin and students in Grades 2-7 to participate in a Mezuzah hanging ceremony.  New Mezuzot were hung on the classroom doors lower down so that they could be accessible to people in wheel chairs.  These Mezuzot were made by the vuv and gesher students who shared their reflections with everyone.  Before going to the ceremony we spent a few minutes at the end of morning meeting talking about what a mezuzah is and what is inside it.  Students also listened to the story A Mezuzah on the Door.

At the end of the day students were treated to an awesome and fun activity led by Rachel, our Madricah.  Rachel created a scavenger hunt where students were given clues to follow to find the Hebrew letters to spell the word, “Pesach”.  Students had a blast with this activity.  Thanks, Rachel!

Upcoming this week

  1. On Tuesday and Wednesday students will participate in a reflection activity about the Passover Electives.
  2. We will learn Lines 14 and 15 of Ashrei.
  3. Bar will visit our class.
I hope everyone has a relaxing April break!  I am looking forward to my trip to South Africa to see my parents.