January 22, 2025 |

Grade 6/7 Update

Posted on March 28, 2018

This past week was a week full of learning and excitement in the 6th and 7th grade.

On Sunday, the 6th graders began to prepare for Passover, discussing the prophets of the Passover story, and discussing the ways the story is portrayed. We continued our Environment unit on Tuesday and Wednesday, learning about the concept of Eco-Kashrut. We discussed the differences between traditional Kashrut and Eco-Kashrut, exploring what we eat through an environmental lens.

Finally, we continued our Mezuza project from our Inclusion unit, writing our own “6 Word Memoirs” and Shema scrolls to put in our Mezuza’s. We will hang the Mezuza’s as a part of our next B’nai Telem service project, creating a tangible way of including all members of our community in our classroom space.

Thank you for the opportunity to continue learning and exploring with the 6th and 7th grade this week – I hope you have a wonderful, restful and meaningful Passover!