Posted on March 25, 2018
Kitah Aleph students did a fabulous job singing the four questions today! The children practiced singing the questions with Cantor Ken during our tefillah time and then later again in class. They sang them beautifully! Cheryl and I were very impressed with how much they know. The children also practiced singing the order of the seder and some fun Passover songs like Dayenu and Who Knows One.
We went over a new Hebrew letter today as well as a new vowel. The children learned the letter tet which makes a sound like the English letter T. They also learned the segol, the vowel with the three dots that makes the sound “eh.”
Bar came into class today and taught the children a bit about three of the four seas in Israel. The four seas include: the Mediterranean, the Dead Sea, the Kinneret and the Red Sea. Bar shared pictures of each these and spoke about some of the animals that live in them. The children were especially interested in the possibility of swimming with dolphins in the Red Sea. We also talked a bit about how important water is in Israel and a number of innovations that Israelis have made to recycle water for multiple uses. Bar told us that 90 percent of the water used by Israelis each day is recycled to be used again for another purpose.
The children played a version of 20 questions with cards and a special “headband” today. We divided the children into two groups. One group with each teacher. The children then took turns wearing the headband with a picture of an item connected to Passover attached. The child wearing the headband had to ask yes or no questions to try and figure out what the object was on his/her head. Afterwards, the children worked on a Passover fun packet. We also read the book, Dayenu or How Uncle Murray Saved the Seder.
Best wishes for a wonderful Passover! Joanne