Posted on March 21, 2018
This past week was an exciting, meaningful week of learning with the 6th and 7th Grades at Temple Israel of Natick. On Sunday, the 6th and 7th Grade joined together for their next B’nai Telem Service program, focusing on our last unit of “Connecting Generations.” Together, we made videos for the Hebrew Senior Life’s Rehabilitation Center, creating “Virtual Shabbats” for the residents. The organization is so large that residents are sometimes unable to get to Shabbat programming, so our Shabbat videos will help bring Shabbat to the residents. In doing so, we are helping to fill the need of the organization, as well as participate in tangible service relevant to our Connecting Generations Unit.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, we introduced our new unit: Judaism and the Environment. We began by creating our own “Tanach Sheets,” reading different quotes and texts related to Judaism and the environment, and writing our own thoughts, questions, and commentaries. We then discussed the ways that Judaism engages with the Environment, ranging from creation to obligations to help the environment, to the environment as a space for prayer. The Rabbi came for the end of one of our discussions, and was really impressed by the quality and intentionality of everyone’s comments! I was so moved by the seriousness of our students during these discussions, and was really impressed and inspired by their comments.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn with the 6th and 7th grade this week – looking forward to another meaningful week!