September 9, 2024 |

Gan Class Update 3-18-18

Posted on March 19, 2018

Hello Gan Class Families!

Our morning began at Tefillah in the Sanctuary with Cantor Ken.  We are super excited to start to use the siddurim on a regular basis.  This will give students the opportunity to become familiar with the orientation of the siddur, the pictures that accompany the prayers and finding the pages we are reading from.  Cantor Ken is also helping us practice the 4 Questions and learn the order of the seder so we can be prepared for Passover.

Bar joined us to help us discover how Passover is observed in Israel.  In Israel, students have a two week vacation from school during Passover.  Restaurants serve Kosher for Passover foods, they even have Kosher for Passover McDonalds!  Some grocery stores are not allowed to sell items that are not Kosher for Passover.  Aisles in the store are labeled “chametz” and covered with plastic so that you can’t buy any food that is not Kosher for Passover.  Even Ben & Jerry’s makes special Kosher for Passover ice cream.

Our new Torah story was about how a wife is chosen for Abraham and Sarah’s son Isaac.  A servant is sent with 10 camels to a well.  He asks for water from the women that come to the well.  One woman offers to get the servant water and all the camels and she is chosen as the best wife for Isaac because she saw something that needed to be done and did it. Her name was Rebekkah and she and Isaac were married soon after. In our next story we will meet the twins that Isaac and Rebekkah have.

Today’s letter was samech.  Samech makes the sound s- and begins the words sukkah and seder.

Thank you to Noah’s dad and brother for reading us a great Passover story about cleaning to prepare for the holiday. 

Check out these centerpieces we made this morning!  They are the cutest plagues you ever saw. They will be on the tables on Friday night and then you can take them home and enjoy them during your seder.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.

Have a wonderful week!
