February 17, 2025 |

Grade 6/7 Update

Posted on March 7, 2018

The past week has been a busy, exciting week of learning in the 6th and 7th grade classes.

In continuing our B’nai Telem unit of “Connecting Generations,” we’ve begun to prepare for an upcoming service project. As a part of a greater community-wide program, we are going to be preparing videos of aspects of the Friday night shabbat experience, for the Hebrew Senior Life and the Hebrew Rehabilitation Center in Roslindale. The facility itself is really large, so not all Jewish residents are able to get to all of the shabbat programming. Therefore, we are making videos to send to residents, allowing the residents to participate in the joys and rituals of Shabbat with us.

To prepare, we have begun to practice some of the Friday night ritual blessings, including Shalom Aleichem and the Friday night Kiddush, discuss the meaning of some of these rituals, create Shabbat signs and decorations, and brainstorm ways of making Friday night creative and engaging. We are also discussing the importance of being with a community during lifecycle events. We hope that this project will allow students to feel more comfortable with this part of Shabbat, as well as allow students to bring their joy, creativity, and knowledge to the community at Hebrew Senior Life. We are going to continue working over the next week and a half.

I hope that everyone stays warm and dry with the snow – wishing everyone a wonderful week and a Shabbat shalom.