November 7, 2024 |

Grade 5 Update

Posted on February 15, 2018

Dear Kitah Hey families,
We have had a very busy week at TI! On Sunday morning, we had an incredible opportunity to work with a Columbia/JTS based acupella group called Pizmon! The group worked with each grade at TI and taught songs that each grade was able to perform for the whole school (in Hebrew). Pizmon also put on a concert for the whole school to enjoy. The students had a wonderful time watching the show! 
During values class, the students participated in a communal art project where each student was able to contribute an element.
The students then participated in a Hebrew Workshop where students traveled to 3 different centers. One of these centers allowed the students to practice their Hebrew reading skills while also giving them time to become familiar with the next blessings we will be studying (the prayers said before and after Torah readings). Another of these centers was a game of pick-up sticks (Hebrew style) where students had to read words written on the sticks correctly in order to keep them (whoever had the most sticks at the end of the game won). The last center included a partner reading activity where students had to work together to decode food items on a grocery list (written in Hebrew). The students had to translate the food items into English. It was a lot of fun!
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the students put on their own Purim Shpiel to better understand the Purim story and to celebrate the holiday (which is coming up right after February vacation)! 
We will miss the students over break but wish you all a happy and relaxing february vacation. We look forward to the return of our fifth graders. 🙂