Grade 6 Update
Posted on February 5, 2018
The past two weeks at Temple Israel of Natick, the 6th grade class has had the opportunity to participate in special Sunday programming, particularly focusing on connecting to Jewish ritual.
On Sunday, January 28th, the 6th grade class worked on creating a Tallit for their B’nai Mitzvah, working with families and peers to design and build their Tallit. Students worked really hard on creating their Tallit–thank you to everyone who participated and made this day a success.
On February 4th, the 6th grade class participated in the World Wide Wrap, learning to wrap and wear T’fillin with other synagogue and community members. It was an extremely meaningful program, participating in a community-wide initiative while learning about this element of Jewish ritual.
We also concluded projects that Bar will take with him on his upcoming trip to Israel, to bring to our partner school in Haifa. Students sent pictures and letters to introduce themselves to students in Haifa, in order to kick-off our partnership. We’re excited to see the program develop, and to forge connections with students in Israel!
This upcoming Shabbat, we will be joined by an A Capella group, Pizmon, as a part of Synaplex and A Capella Shabbat. I hope to see everyone there! Looking forward to another wonderful week of learning and exploring with the Temple Israel community.