January 23, 2025 |

Grade K- Gan Class Update

Posted on February 4, 2018

Hello Gan Class Families!

Our final preparations for Kabbalat Torah took place today.  Bina and Sydney helped us to finish our Special Projects and we can’t wait to share them with you. Cantor Ken helped us to practice our singing in the Sanctuary.  We sounded great!  Kabbalat Torah will take place this Saturday during Synaplex.

We were so lucky today to meet Shira, a Shinshin just like Bar.  She was very nice and helped us during our Tu B’Shevat activity that Bar led. Students were blindfolded and had to guess what type of dried fruit they were eating.  It was silly and delicious!

Today we reviewed our letters through Aleph Bet Centers.  We played Hebrew Letter Go Fish, used cookie cutters and Play Doh to shape the letters and made illustrations of our vocabulary words in our work books.  Next week we will learn the letter vav while studying Purim.

Finally, our Mystery Reader today was Alex’s dad.  He read several stories from a collection of Jewish bedtime stories.  One of them was about Abraham and Sarah who we will meet in the Torah story we read next week.

I can’t wait to see you all on Saturday morning for Kabbalat Torah!  Have a great week.

As always, please let me know if there are any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.
