September 20, 2024 |

Grade 5 Update

Posted on January 31, 2018

This Sunday was a really special morning – we decorated tefilin boxes.  Special thanks to the Men’s Club for organizing!

We are so proud of the fifth graders! They recently reflected on Jewish values taught this year. The responses were impressively thorough and personal, showing how much students have internalized what we have learned.

On Sunday, we introduced the topic of community and the connections between community and prayer. Students worked in pairs to discuss why the words “beit knesset” (synagogue) might mean “a place where people meet.” As a group, we discussed the benefits of communal prayer.

Lastly, fifth graders shared all the different types of communities to which they belong.

In Hebrew, fifth graders continue to practice reading fluency through Hebrew reading games. They have also become very skilled at singing Lekhan Adonai. Many students have volunteered to lead the class in prayer recently and their progress shines!