July 26, 2024 |

Gimel Goings On

Posted on January 30, 2018

Shalom Gimel Families!

Gimel Students are working hard and are very enthusiastic about their learning.

Students participate in a little bit of conversational Hebrew through our Sunday Morning Meeting and Closing Circle.
In prayer Hebrew they completed the Birkot Hashachar and began to learn to chant the Mi Kamocha, which was sung by the Israelites after they crossed the Red Sea.  In addition to that students have talked about the miracle of the parting of the sea and listened to “Miriam’s Song” by Debbie Friedman as part of our station rotations yesterday.  Other stations included Hebrew Games, where students played a game called “Roll and Read.”  This game contained words and phrases from the Mi Kamocha.  Our third station was our chesed station where students wrote compliments to two classmates.

Students reread the story of the Burning Bush and identified 5 areas where G-d convinced Moses that he would be a good leader for the Israelites.  They then selected one of the 5 things that they thought helped Moses the most.  Through a Midrash about Moses working as a shepherd, students worked on identifying qualities that Moses possessed that made him a good leader.  This idea will be further explored next Sunday.

Students have completed their research about Tu Bishvat and some have completed their index card projects.  This week we will do some more Tu Bishvat activities and students will have an opportunity to complete their projects.

I hope everyone has a great week!

