January 12, 2025 |

Kitah Aleph Update

Posted on January 28, 2018

Kitah aleph students are awesome Hebrew letter learners! Today we made aleph bet bingo cards to review the letters we have learned so far this year. First we played a game putting a letter on each child’s back and having him/her guess the letter sound based on clues given by the other students. Then the children each created his/her own bingo board with Hebrew letters.  Did you know that each Hebrew letter has a mnemonic device to help the children remember the sound associated with that letter? For instance, the letter bet has “a ball in a box” and the letter mem has “two mountains.”

We spent some time today learning about the holiday of Tu B’shvat which is this coming Wednesday, January 31. It is hard to believe that in Israel they are thinking about planting trees at this time of year. Together we made a list of all the gifts trees give us: wood, oxygen, all kinds of food, paper, houses and more. The children worked on a Tu B’shvat packet which included a tree with the Hebrew letters hidden inside. Kitah Aleph students were working in small groups to help each other find all 22 of the hidden letters.

Bikkur Cholim, visiting the sick, is a key Jewish midah or value. In our review of this midah, the children shared some very thoughtful insights for caring for the sick. Ideas from the children included: visiting the sick when possible, sending them cards, calling them on the phone, bringing food to help out and games to entertain them. The children also talked about calling ahead before visiting someone who is ill to make sure he/she was available for company.

In tefillah with the cantor, the children have begun practicing songs for Purim. The whole school is working on learning a song together to present for the holiday.

Have a wonderful week. Shavua Tov, Joanne