January 12, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 1-21-18

Posted on January 22, 2018

Hello Gan Class Families!

Our class is getting ready for Kabbalat Torah.  As part of the preparations, we practiced our songs with Cantor Ken.  The links are below so that you can practice at home.  We have started to add some hand motions to our singing and have also practiced standing like we will on the Bima on February 10th.  We are excited to start a special project next week that we will share with families the morning of Kabbalat Torah.

Al Shelosha Devarim

Torah, Torah 
It is a Tree of Life

We joined together with the Aleph Class for our lesson with Bar.  He shared with us a game that the Israeli Scouts play as an extension of our learning about them during our last meeting.  Students linked arms in a circle.  One student was the cat and the other was the mouse.  The mouse was able to freely move into and out of the circle created by the students but the cat was not.  It was the job of the cat to catch the mouse.  This silly game was super fun for all! 

Today we had a second reading of The Tower of Babel.  After we read the story, students were asked to work together to create a tower out of block.  To make it like the experience the people in our story had, students were not allowed to use their voices to communicate.  This task was really hard and students reflected that not talking to each other made it difficult to know what everyone was doing.  A picture of what the class was able to build is below.

Our new letter today was bet.  Bet makes the sound b- and begins the word bayit which means house.  Each student was asked to share the color of their bayit.  There are lots of blue and yellow houses in our class.

Our Celebrations topic was A Jewish Meal.  All the meals we eat can be Jewish meals.  We thought about all the things that we eat and how God helped to make them available.  We practiced the HaMotzi which we say before meals with bread to show our appreciation and learned that the Birkat Hamazon which is said after a meal is to thank God.

Next week we will be working on our Special Project for Kabbalat Torah.  If you know your student will be absent, please let me know as soon as possible.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.