January 14, 2025 |

Grade 6: Trope Update

Posted on January 18, 2018

A reminder that Jr Congregation will be this Saturday, 1/20, 10:30 AM-noon in the chapel.  The 6th graders are always invited to attend, and now you can support your friends and classmates who are reading Torah. This week, thanks to Isabel Pravda, Sasha Linden, and Clara Duckworth for your hard work learning the portions.

For trope class, the students can start listening to the blessing before the Haftarah (track 14 on this page: https://tiofnatick.org/Torah).  In addition, they can review Torah trope, and hone their Torah reading skills using their Bar or Bat Mitzvah portions and/or portions they are working on for Jr Congregation or Synaplex.  Those who haven’t yet had a chance to read will have a chance soon– upcoming dates will include March 3 and March 24, and everyone should mark their calendars for Shavuot on Sunday morning, May 20 when everyone will read in our year-end celebration.
Have a good week!