5th Grade Update
Posted on January 7, 2018
It was wonderful to welcome fifth graders back into the classroom after break! On Tuesday and Wednesday, students learned about Tzofim,the Israeli scouts, with Bar.
Fifth graders were also introduced to the Jewish value anavah/humility. We discussed its meaning, why humility is important, why it’s a Jewish value, and read examples of humility vs. arrogance. On Sunday, students will have an opportunity to dig deeper and think about humility in Moses and David. They will also think about what they can do to become more humble while still feeling proud about accomplishments.
In Hebrew, students practiced reading fluency and listening skills with a game of “I have, who has?” This was followed by an exciting game of Around the World. Wednesday’s class had the opportunity to read to each other through Hebrew tic tac toe. It’s great to see our fifth graders so eager to read Hebrew during these games!