Gimel Goings On
Posted on December 18, 2017
Shalom Gimel Families!
What a great week of Hannukah it has been! On Tuesday and Wednesday we wrapped up the elective unit. Each elective group wrote a summary of their elective and then spent time independently doing a Hannukah reflection. This was followed by 3 rotation stations where students made window decorations to hang at home, decorated solar stakes to put in the ground, and went to the Hannukah photo booth. At 5:30 we met with the other grades to light the Hannukiyah and sing Hannukah songs with our cantorial intern, Dara Rosenblatt.
Today was a very busy day in the Gimel class. We began our day watching the movies made by the students in the technology and lego elective. Back in the classroom students were introduced to the iPad app, Padlet. Students used this app to answer questions about the elective unit. Please click on the link below and enjoy reading what students had to say about miracles and courage.
Stations today included Hebrew Buddy Reading, writing compliments to 2 classmates and completing the padlet. We ended our day with an all school Hannukah celebration sponsored by the Mens Club. Todah Rabah to the Mens Club for the delicious latkes!
Upcoming this week:
We will get together as a school on Tuesday to light the final candle.
In Hebrew students will learn 2 new lines from Birkot Hashachar.
Wishing everyone a wonderful and restful winter break!