July 27, 2024 |

Grade 5 Update

Posted on December 14, 2017

Fifth graders have been busy!  They finished reading and singing the Vayehi Binsoa without a teacher and sound beautiful! To celebrate, students played a game of Around the World to practice Hebrew reading fluency.

We also continued our discussion about personal satisfaction and thinking about what is important and meaningful that makes our lives great. What are we truly grateful for? Please see an attached photo of what students brainstormed for what they are thankful. Fifth graders went deeper during this week’s conversation. They also made an art project that reflects what they are really thankful for in their lives.
Midweek, students had a grand finale to the elective unit! They reflected on what they learned, partook in fun activity stations, and sang Hanukkah songs together. They had a blast!
