July 26, 2024 |

Grade 3 – Gimel Goings On

Posted on December 11, 2017

Shalom Gimel Families,

Happy Hannukah!

Students continue to make progress with their prayer reading.  

We have studied up to line 11 of the Birkot Hashachar.  

You can be very proud of your student’s enthusiasm and hard work.

Through our Sunday morning meeting and closing circle on Sundays
students are also getting some exposure to modern Hebrew and Hebrew counting.

We continue to explore the value of chesed (kindness) and
this week students listened to another story about being bucket fillers before writing compliments to 2 classmates.

This week students completed a journal entry where they wrote down 3 things they are looking forward to about Hannukah.  
Many students are excited to light the Menorah, eat latkes and sufganiyot, play Dreidle and spend time with family.  
At the end of the day, students made centerpieces for the community dinner this Shabbat.

During the week students have been having fun in their electives.  
The discussion last week focused on the theme of publicizing the miracle of Hannukah.  
Students have enjoyed reconnecting as a class at the end of the day sharing something about their elective.

Upcoming this week
  • The final week of electives.
  • First and second night of Hannukah.  Students will participate in a school-wide Menorah lighting.
  • On Sunday there will be an all-school Hannukah celebration sponsored by the Men’s Club.
  • In Hebrew, students will learn 2 new lines of Birkot Hashachar.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week and Chag Sameach!

