February 10, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 12-2-17

Posted on December 4, 2017

Hello Gan Class Families!

Students were thrilled to share about all their exciting adventures over the Thanksgiving weekend! It sounds like you all had a great time.

With only ten days left until Hanukkah, our Tefillah focused on practicing the prayers and songs that we will sing for 8 days. The excitment about Hanukkah is at a maximum in the Gan Class.  Students were bouncing in their seats and singing the songs for the rest of the day.

We were so happy to spend time with Bar this morning.  We haven’t seen him in a few weeks and students look forward to his visits.  Today Bar read a popular children’s story from Israel called A Flat to Rent by Leah Goldberg.  In this story, several animals live together in a house.  They look for another animal to live with them but all the animals that come to look at the house don’t like the other residents.  The dove  doesn’t like the house but does like the people that live there so it is happy to move in!  Throughout the story we practiced our very best animal impressions.  We concluded with a silly game where students attempted to make other students laugh by doing pig impressions.

Our new Torah Story is Noah’s Ark.  To get an idea about what the story is about we read Jan Brett’s On Noah’s Ark.  Next week we will learn more details about this story and create an illustration about our main idea.  This is our 4th Torah story and each week we review the ones we have previously enjoyed.  Students are improving their story telling each week!

There were no new letters today. Instead, we participated in Aleph Bet Centers.  Students created illustrations about Celebrations and of vocabulary words in their workbooks as well as used stamps to spell out the words for tet and dalet.  They practiced writing the letters with white board markers and played a game of Go Fish to help improve letter recognition skills.

Today’s Mystery Readers were Noah’s dad and his younger brother.  They read a story called A Hanukkah with Mazel by Joel Edward Stein.  They said it was a new PJ Library Book so maybe some of you just got it too!

Next week we look forward to learning more about Hanukkah, learning a new letter, practicing prayers and songs and hearing another version of the story of Noah’s Ark!

As always, please let me know if there are any questions or concerns about the Gan Clas.
