Grade 3 – Gimel Goings On
Posted on December 4, 2017
Shalom Gimel Families,
Gimel students had a busy week at Hebrew School!
During the week we continue to have fun in our electives and discussions about miracles and courage. Yesterday’s journal entry was to briefly describe the activities in the elective and how they made us think of miracles and courage.
In Hebrew students have learned up to line 9 of the Birkot Hashachar. Through small group learning and buddy reading students are mastering these blessings. They each had an opportunity to record themselves singing one blessing. Please continue to have them practice their reading for a few minutes each day.
Below is the homework calendar for December:
During our third station yesterday students continued to explore the Jewish value of chesed- kindness. They listened to the story Have You Filled a Bucket Today, and wrote complimentary notes to 2 classmates. Students love receiving their notes at the end of each Sunday!
In Torah where students are studying different Jewish values in the Exodus stories, we completed the unit on courage. After discussing the courageous acts of the midwives, Miriam, Yocheved and the Pharaoh’s daughter, students wrote down some ideas of how they can contribute to their community by being courageous. Ideas included doing mitzvahs, helping the elderly and meeting new people. There is a poster hanging on the classroom cabinet door with their ideas.
Some things to look forward to next week:
We will have our fourth week of electives on Tuesday and Wednesday.
In Hebrew we will learn 2 new lines of Birkot Hashachar.
We will make centerpieces for the community dinner on December 15.
Hoping everyone is having a good week.