Grade 3-Gimel Goings On
Posted on November 29, 2017
Shalom Gimel Families,
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break!
In Hebrew students have been working on the Birkot Hashachar and have mastered the first 6 lines. As part of our Sunday morning stations students have an opportunity to practice reading the blessings to a buddy, and to work in a small group with a teacher learning to sing them.
In Torah study students are still exploring the Jewish value of courage through the stories of the midwives in Egypt. They have talked about how the midwives showed courage in disobeying the Pharaoh and extended their exploration of having courage in today’s world. What do you do if you see someone being bullied? How can you show courage to help them? Does it take courage to make new friends or approach the classmate who is sitting alone on the buddy bench? Students have shared many good insights on these questions.
In addition to this, students are also further exploring the value of kindness (chased) and bringing this into the classroom community. As part of our Sunday stations students listened to the story What Does It Mean to Be Kind? Afterwards they were given 3 names of classmates to write compliments to them. Lots of smiles were seen last Sunday when everyone read their compliments! We will continue to do this on a weekly basis. Our class motto: Let’s be bucket fillers!
Please see the image of the December homework calendar below.
See everyone on Sunday!