December 5, 2024 |

Grade 5 – Kitah Hey Update

Posted on November 8, 2017

This past Sunday in Hebrew School, we began discussing the idea of T’shuvah, returning to our “best” selves. We talked about how difficult it can be to do the right thing. Students gave examples of times they turned a situation into something positive and a time they turned s situation into something negative (ex: saying “Good game. It’s great to be able to play against such a skilled team because it helps us practice and grow” to a team your soccer team lost against vs. throwing a fit and yelling that the team cheated) one student shared that people can develop bad habits when they say mean words or act disrespectfully. Students then discussed holidays that they felt connected to this idea of T’shuvah. Holidays included: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Each of these holidays focus on the idea of improving ourselves. In connecting with this idea of T’shuvah, students had the opportunity to help out at our temple’s rummage sale. This connected back to our past discussions in Jewish values class that focused on honoring others and our community.
In Hebrew, we have continued practicing our reading. We played Go Fish and Pick Up Sticks to help develop our Hebrew reading fluency.
Tuesday and Wednesday began the start of our Hanukah elective program. Students joined either joined an art, lego, cooking, or technology class where they discussed the idea of miracles and students had a chance to explain their interpretations of such.
On Sunday, we will begin learning the next prayer in the Torah service during Hebrew.