January 23, 2025 |

Grade 2 – Kitah Bet

Posted on November 7, 2017

“Hey has a hole” and “Tzadee has a hidden T and Z” are our the tricks for the new letters.  We learned that the letter Hey makes the “H” sound at the begining or in the middle of a word and that it is most often silent when it is at the end.   The more we learn the more excited the students are to show off how much they can read!

I drew a large table on the whiteboard and everyone had fun suggesting what we should add to the table to make it into a Shabbat table.  After we added a tzedaka box, candles, matches, wine and kiddush cup, challah and challah cover everyone wanted to know were were all the guests.  Seems like they all understand that celebrating something like Shabbat is much better when it’s done with family and friends.