January 14, 2025 |

Grade 3 – Gimel Goings On

Posted on November 5, 2017

Shalom Gimel Families,
It was a busy and exciting day in the Gimel Class!
Students were introduced to the Birkot Hashachar with a journal entry and conversation about some of the things they were looking forward to about the day.  After looking at the English version of the Birkot Hashachar, students identified some of the other things we say thank you to G-d for.  Some examples include taking care of our needs and clothing the needy.  We then used the qr code on the Hebrew version to listen to Cantor Ken singing some of the brachot.  Today students also started working on the first blessing in Birkot Hashachar.
Please see a copy of the November calendar below.  Students have these in their green binders.

We encourage the students to spend five to ten minutes a day practicing to read lines 1 and 2 of Birkot Hashachar, and to use the qr code to listen to the nigun (melody.). Please put your initials or signature on the calendar each day that your child practices.
Today we had 2 stations:  Buddy Reading of lines 1 and 2 of Birkot Hashachar and a few minutes of Hebrew reading games.  Students did a great job working in pairs.
As a mitzvah project students spent thirty minutes in the social hall helping the Temple Sisterhood set up for the rummage sale.  They had a great time performing this important mitzvah of helping to provide clothes and many other items to the needy.  Yasher Koach to all!
Hevruta Study
As a way to reflect on their mitzvah project today, students were introduced to the idea of Hevruta study.  They were given the following text from Pirkei Avot to study with a partner.

After discussing with their Hevruta partners what they thought this text means, they discussed ways it could be connected to the work they did helping with the rummage sale.  Many students agreed that although they did not complete the task of setting up, they helped with it and therefore contributed to the project.
We are super excited for our first week of electives on Tuesday and Wednesday!
Wishing everyone a great week!