December 5, 2024 |

Grade 5- Kitah Hey Update 11/1/17

Posted on November 1, 2017

Kitah Hey has been discussing k’vod, dignitity.  Students spent time thinking about times on their lives when they have treated others with dignity, honor, and respect and noticed that they were then treated the same way in return. 

Examples included: I helped my brother clean his room and he helped me with my homework. I passed the football to a teammate and then the team made me quarterback. I helped my mom with chores while she was sick and she takes care of me all the time. 
Students picked one personal example to illustrate on paper for our new bulliton board.  Through this topic, conversation about judging people for who they are and how they treat you (not their clothing or looks) took place. 
 Fifth graders have also been learning Ein Kamocha. They have been parter reading to practice fluency and singing as a group to learn the tune. It’s so impressive to see how much progress this group has made in such a short amount of time!