January 12, 2025 |

Grade 3 – Gimel Goings On

Posted on October 30, 2017

Shalom Gimel Families,

I am very proud of the Gimel students!  They have done a great job mastering the Barachu and Yotzer Or prayers.

During the week the students were introduced to some Hebrew technology – an app called Batya’s Bubbles.  It includes listening to the blessings being read, being able to record a person reading and a game where students need to recognize words from the prayer. Both Tuesday and Wednesday groups had an opportunity to try out the app in class for a few minutes at the end of our Hebrew lesson.

In Hebrew we have also spent time talking about what the blessings mean, and students learned that the yotzer or (יוצר אור) blessing focuses on the creation of light, dark and all things, and is only recited in the morning.

Our Sunday stations included Hebrew reading where students worked on their decoding skills, a Hebrew reading four in a row game and independent work to reinforce reading skills.  

In Torah we continued our conversations about courage, and used the story of the midwives in Egypt to realize that sometimes it takes courage to stand up for what is right, against all odds.  Most students agreed that working as a team, as the midwives did, makes it easier to gain the courage to do the right thing.

We always enjoy spending time with Bar, our Israeli shinshin, on the weekday afternoons.  Last week Bar shared a very popular Israeli story that was read to him during his childhood and students played a game where they had to guess at the ending!

Students are doing a great job with their homework and calling Google Voice.  They received their November homework calendars yesterday.

Wishing everyone a great week!
