Grade 3 – Gimel Goings On
Posted on October 17, 2017
Shalom Gimel Families!
It was great to see everyone yesterday after all the wonderful Chagim!
As usual it was a very busy Sunday morning…
Morning Work
This week’s morning work was a journal entry where students had an opportunity to write about why the communities they are a part of are important to them and what values they think are important in a community. This activity was in preparation for our first Torah lesson later in the day.
Hebrew Morning Meeting
Students enjoyed greeting their friends in Hebrew with the words ,”Boker Tov.” Different students took turns to take attendance, read the schedule of the day in Hebrew, do the Hebrew days of the week, be a Hebrew meteorologist, read the Hebrew date and tell the season in Hebrew. Of course the highlight of Morning Meeting is the ever popular Hebrew counting game!
Hebrew Activity Centers
After an introduction to the Barachu prayer as a whole group, students participated in 3 Hebrew activity centers in 10 minute rotations. This week’s centers were Hebrew Reading where they worked on their decoding skills, Tefillah, where they continued to practice the Barachu in small groups, and Hebrew games. This week’s game was a Hebrew reading connect 4 game.
Homework this week is to practice reading the Barachu prayer that we worked on in class, and students are encouraged to call the Google Voice number, listed on the homework calendar, about once a week.
We joined with the dalet class in the Sanctuary for Sunday morning prayers and Gimel students did a great job leading the Barachu!
This year we will use the book Jewish Values in Exodus as the basis for our Torah study. Students will study different Jewish values through some of the stories in the Book of Exodus and connect them to how we live our lives, and how they are important in our communities. Some examples of these values are courage, leadership, justice, gratitude, commitment, forgiveness and giving. A variety of methodologies will be used – journal writing, reading, art, games and technology – to name a few. This week students were introduced to this curriculum with a lesson on community where they used their journal entries from the morning to talk about the importance of community in small groups and as a whole class. On the weekdays students will be offered various craft materials to make a picture of their ideal community.
Closing Circle
We ended our day with a closing circle where each student stated in Hebrew what they liked about the day. Tefillah and Mischak Ivrit (Hebrew Game) were the 2 highlights!
See everyone on Tuesday or Wednesday!