November 9, 2024 |

Grade 5 – Kitah Hey- Diana’s Update!

Posted on October 11, 2017

Dear Kitah Hey families,

The fifth graders have been busy learning all about the recent holidays and sharing their knowledge with one another in class. We started out last Sunday with a fun zumba themed tefilah session led by Katie, a 6th grade teacher. This was a fun new way to wake ourselves up and connect to prayer.

The students also had a chance to decorate our very own sukkah in the Temple Israel courtyard! Students traced and cut out hands on construction paper and wrote about what they are thankful for.
The students then were able to hang these up, along with decorative fruits and vegetables to create a warm and festive feeling.

This afternoon, our students had the opportunity to visit Rabbi Liben’s home. The fifth graders were taught how to shake the lulav and etrog in preparation for the upcoming holiday. They had a great time. 
With all of the holidays coming at once, I realized I need to change the Hebrew Calendar that was sent home in the students’ Hebrew binders last week. We will soon start learning the prayer, Ein Kamocha, in class. Students will be asked to practice one new line of the prayer for homework each night (excluding shabbat, holidays, and vacations). Because we did not meet in class on Columbus Day weekend, this homework will start this coming Sunday, October 15th. The new calendar we will be using is below, as well as a link to that will take you to a recorded video of this prayer and its melody.
