July 27, 2024 |

Grade 7 – Gesher is Amazing!

Posted on October 2, 2017

Sukkot is experienced with all one’s senses—we see, smell, touch, hear and taste wonderful things during this holiday! Today was an experiential exploration of Sukkot. We saw, heard and smelled the four species that compose the lulav. We are grateful to Shimon Blackerfor teaching us how to tie the reeds that hold together the three green species of the lulav (myrtle, palm and willow) and after tying over 120 ties, we constructed 52 lulavim.  We created stars of hope to be hung in our synagogue sukkah and, after Sukkot, our inspirational stars will be sent to communities in distress.  
And we measured out the footprint of the smallest legal sukkah (28” square by 40” high).  We sat in these small spaces and put on our rabbinic thinking caps to understand what the rabbis may have intended when they made this determination.  Students imagined many possibilities for what one can do in this little space: eat, sleep, pray, drink, write, color, text, call a friend, play with Legos, meditate, sing… and many many more!
We also met with Bar Argaman our Israeli shin-shin and learned that people often choose to make new years resolutions at Rosh Hashanah.  Students wrote letters to their future selves to be opened at Rosh Hashanah 5779. 
Sunday morning classes will not be meeting on October 8th due to the Columbus day holiday.
Moedim l’simcha–Best wishes for an amazing Sukkot holiday!

HaMorah Margalit (aka Gretchen Marks Brandt)