January 22, 2025 |

Grade 3 – Gimel Goings On

Posted on October 1, 2017

Shalom Gimel Families,
Shanah Tovah and Gamar Hatimah Tovah!  It was great to see so many of you at Temple over the High Holiday season.
Gimel students (affectionately known as the “Gimelites”) had a very busy Sunday morning!  We began our day with morning work (avodah) which was a review of the Hebrew letters.  During morning meeting (pegishah) students did a wonderful job greeting each other with a “Boker Tov _______”, reading the schedule, the weather, the Hebrew date and the season.  Everyone had a lot of fun playing our magic number counting game, and doing a Hebrew counting shakedown as a movement activity.  Ask your son/daughter about this.
This was an exciting week!  During the week, after discussing our thoughts about prayer, students received their prayer binders and made their own personalized covers for them.  Please look in their binders for the letter that explains our prayer curriculum and homework calendar.  The first prayers that will be studied will be the Barachu and Yotzer Or blessing which we will begin on the next Sunday that the students are together.  
Please see updated October homework calendar below:

Students enjoyed making paper plate fruit to hang in the Temple Sukkah.  We also reviewed some information about Sukkot with a 4-in-a-row game.  The game was played as a whole class and students did a great job working in their teams to figure out the answers to questions about Sukkot.

Closing Circle
We ended our day with a closing circle where each student had an opportunity to share something they enjoyed about the day.  They learned to use the sentence starter, “Ani Ohev (boys)/Ohevet (girls) __________.  Our “peulah meyuchedet/פעולה מיוחדת (special activity) was a definite highlight.  This was the time spent in the Sukkah hanging decorations.
Wishing everyone a Chag Sukkot Sameach!