Posted on September 25, 2017
Tashlichat Lake Cochituate was fun, beautiful and meaningful! We sang together and spoke a few words of Torah. We chose to go on a nature walk or meditate, or sing, or hear a story or write in the sand. We wrote our transgressions on crackers and threw them into the lake and then we wrote our blessings on marshmallows and enjoyed their sweetness! We ended the morning by sharing hugs and wishing each other a good and very sweet year.
Thank you to Robin Kahn, Rabbi Liben, Cantor Ken, Rav Shira, the TIRS teachers and all the TIRS families for your generous spirits!
I hope to see you at Yom Kippur and look forward to learning with our Gesher students next Sunday.
G’mar chatimah tovah—may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.
HaMorah Margalit (aka Gretchen Marks Brandt)