February 17, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 9-17-17

Posted on September 18, 2017

Hello Gan Class Families!

Today was amazing! The first day of school is always so exciting, new faces to meet and a fresh start for everyone!

The Gan Class students were able to familiarize themselves with our classroom space as well as the Temple Israel building.  We took a field trip to meet Rob in the Religious School office, check out the location of the bathrooms and water fountain, travel through the secret passage behind the bima and to introduce ourselves to Carole, who shared her lollipops with us, in the main office as well as David Tursky, Temple Israel President!

We worked toether to create a Class Brit which everone signed.  It is hanging on the board in our classroom for all to see.

Students were super excited to meet Bar.  He will be joining us most weeks to help us learn about Israel.  Today, we played a fun name game based on the popular game, Duck, Duck Goose.  After, Bar answered all the questions we could come up with about him.  Students were surprised to hear that Israel is really far away.

As the High Holidays are coming up this week, we spent time learning about the Shofar and some of the customs of the holiday.  Morah Joanne, the Aleph Class teacher, invited us to join them to hear the Shofar blasts.  She brought in her special shofar from home and everyone got to touch it to see how smooth it is. Back in our own classroom, we worked on a Special Project that should be delivered to your house soon. Students were sent home with a folder filled with information about the upcoming holidays for families.  Please send the folder back empty so that more student work and information can be sent home in it next class.

Next week we will meet at 10:30am at Cochituate State Park for a special family program.  There will not be class at Temple Israel until Sunday, October 1st.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.

Shana Tova!
