July 26, 2024 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 5-21-17

Posted on May 22, 2017

Hello Gan Class Families!

It is so hard to believe that we have almost completed our year long journey together.  Your Gan Class students have grown so much and have learned lots!

Today we began the day in Tefillah with Cantor Ken as we do almost every week.  As I looked around, I observed that many of the students have begun to memorize some of the prayers.  We have improved our ability to follow along with the pages and remember to remain standing when we need to.  Our Gan Class students are comfortable in the Sanctuary space!

Today’s Torah story was about Jacob.  After tricking his brother he had to move away from his home.  He found himself looking for a wife and he fell in love with a woman named Rachel.  Rachel’s father tricked Jacob into marrying this older daughter Leah before he was allowed to marry Rachel.  Jacob had 13 children, 12 boys and one girl.

Now that we know all of our letters we have been busy practicing them!  Students met individually with me to review all 22 of our letters.  At our Aleph Bet Centers, students illustrated our vocabulary words and played the Aleph Bet Adventure game to practice letter recognition.

Our Celebrations unit focused on the upcoming holiday of Shavuot.  On Shavuot we celebrate receiving the Torah from God at Mt. Sinai.  We read A Mountain of Blintzes which is a story about a family preparing for Shavuot and how they work together to make sure the have all the things they need to make blintzes, a common food served on Shavuot.

Students that were in class last week took home one of the tie-dye shirts that were made.  Each shirt included a letter explaining the project more in depth.  We hope that the experience highlighted that we are all different in many ways but still part of the same community.

Image result for a mountain of blintzes

There is no class next week as it is Memorial Day Weekend.  Our final class together will be on June 4th.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.