February 17, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 5-14-17

Posted on May 15, 2017

Happy Mother’s Day Gan Class Families!

I hope that everyone enjoyed a wonderful Mother’s Day!

Today we finished learning all of the letters of the Aleph Bet!  Zayin and tsadee were our last two letter!  Zayin makes the sound z- and begins the word zebra and tsadee makes a tz- sound and begins the work tzedakah.

When reading our new Torah story we met Isaac and Rebekkah’s twin sons Jacob and Esau.  Jacob and Esau are twins but Esau is a little bit older so he is supposed to get a special blessing and all of his father’s stuff.  Jacob tricks Esau into giving him both with the help of their mother Rebekkah.  Next week we will meet some of Jacob’s family.

Today was Lag B’Omer.  In Roman times, Jews were not allowed to study Torah.  They would sneak off to the caves and study in secret.  If the Romans came by, the Jews would pretend they had been practicing their archery in the woods.  Because of this, Lag B’Omer is often celebrated through outdoor activities.  Unfortunately the rain prevented us from being outside be we were still able to tie-dye inside.  Tie-dye relates to our inclusion Shabbat from last weekend.  Each shirt will be different in its own way, they will come in different shapes, sizes and colors much like we do.  

Another activity was decorating golf balls.  On Father’s Day, Temple Israel will have a Mini-Golf Tournament.  Students decorated golf balls that they can use during the tournament.  Golf balls have been labeled with your child’s name.  The Tournament is from 1:00-4:00pm so please mark your calendar now!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.

Have a wonderful week!
