January 12, 2025 |

Posted on May 12, 2017

Dear Kitah Vav Parents,
May is a very full month for Kitah Vav!
Weekdays will find us exploring Nevi’im, the Book of Prophets, and taking up our students’ prophet or portion. We are also noting the different ways that prophets are called to serve as G-d’s messengers: Moses from a bush, Isaiah in a vision of the Temple with G-d on a throne and the angels praising with Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh.  Some students have prophets or stories that are found in the books of Judges, Kings and Samuel as their haftarah.  We are touching on each place that a student haftarah is found.
     Our prayer curriculum has covered the Aleinu, our ultimate commitment to praise G-d, found near the end of every prayer service.  Also covered recently was Mourner’s Kaddish, praise of G-d in Aramaic.  We have been noticing repetition of key Hebrew roots that we find in our prayers, and the Wednesday class conceived of a bingo game with the verb roots.  It was Zach’s idea initially, so we called the game Zakko.  I selected the key roots found in the blessings before and after the Haftarah for the game.
Sundays are special this month. This Sunday, May 14, we will have a field trip to a program called “This is Hunger” at the JCC.  It is housed in a large “semi” truck, and created by MAZON, the Jewish response to hunger.  We will meet at Temple Israel in the lobby at 9am, and leave in two carpools.  If any families who haven’t signed up decide to join, please email me, Elaine, so that I can save you tickets.  We have a few to spare.
    The following Sunday, May 21, we will have school as usual, but then at 11am we will be tying “tzitzit” on the tallitot that you and your students created.  The five that Sherrie Barlas finished with backing are beautiful!  If you do not have a completely finished tallit bring it, as the fringes can still be tied at the corners, or you can preview how it is done.  Knot tying is easiest with two people, so each student who is tying tzitzit should have someone to work with them. 
    No school on Sunday, May 28, as it is the Memorial Day weekend.
    Our last day of school is Sunday, June 4!
    Shavuot will be celebrated at Temple Israel on Wednesday morning, May 31.  Kitah Vav will be active participants in the service, some leyning Torah and all chanting some Haftarah as well as the blessings before and after the Haftarah.  We will all stand together at Sinai to receive Torah!
    Kol tuv, all the best,
    Rav Elana