January 22, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 5-7-17

Posted on May 8, 2017

Hello Gan Class Families!

Today we learned two letters and spent some time with two different Rabbis!

During Tefillah, Cantor Ken taught us some Sign Language for our prayers as an extension of yesterday’s Synaplex which focused on inclusion of others.  He also helped us continue to Count the Omer and practice many of our favorite prayers.

Our Torah Story today was about 10 camels.  Isaac, Sarah and Abraham’s son, needs a wife.  A servant is sent to Ur to find a good wife for Isaac.  Rebekkah is chosen because she recognized that something needed to be done and she did it.  She offered water to the servant and the camels.  In our next story we will meet Isaac’s sons Jacob and Esau.  

There were two new letters this week.  Nun makes the sounds n- and begins the word ner tamid which is the light above the aron kodesh which is never extinguished.  The second letter was resh which makes the sound r- and begins the word rimonim.  Rimonim are the adornments that we place on the Torah. To see what these new vocabulary words look like in out Temple we visited the Chapel and the Sanctuary. It was lucky that in the Sanctuary we ran into Rabbi Liben who was excited to answer our many questions about the Torah’s in Temple Israel’s Aron Kodesh.  He even blew the shofar for us when students noticed it near the Torahs.  We discovered that there are ten Torahs at Temple Israel and that the ones in the Sanctuary are much fancier looking than the ones in the chapel.  Students thought this might be similar to how when they come to the Temple on Shabbat they dress up but on a regular day they don’t have to. 

On our way back to the classroom Rabbi Harold Kushner was in the lobby.  He had a minute to say hello to our class.  Students were very curious about Rabbi Kushner and together we wrote him a letter.  We asked him several questions about himself and about what Temple Israel was like when he was the Rabbi.  The letter will be sent to him in the mail this week!

There is class next week.  We will be celebrating Lag B’Omer together.  The day could get messy so please bring a smock or wear clothing that you don’t care if it gets messy.  If you aren’t able to join us on Sunday, please let me know as it will be helpful for our planning.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.
