January 12, 2025 |

Alef–Godly Play Nachshon, April 9, 2017

Posted on April 10, 2017

Dear families:
A wonderful few days for the alef class.  First Friday night for services and Chinese dinner.  Students led the congregation in the chorus of Leha Dodi.  With 7 of the 12 students in attendance, they won the prize for the greatest percent of class participation.  Robin will give us our prize after Pesach.  An added bonus for me was the chance to sit at dinner with Rabbi Shira Shazeer, an important member of the Godly Play program and the author of the Nachshon I presented today (see below). She gave me several pointers.
Today, we were involved in many activities.  First we took part in tefillah; Cantor Ken reviewed  Pesach blessings and songs.  This fit well with our CRAFT for the day—an illustrated book of the Four Questions.
Each child took home a chart to count the Omer, the 49 days between the second day of Pesach and Shavuot.  Start crossing out one day at a time on Wednesday, April 12.
Many thanks to the food elective students who provided us with chocolate covered matzah as part of our snack.
HEBREW: Our lesson this week began with the vowel “o”–as in shalom, shofar, menorah, Torah, nerot (candles).  It can be represented by a “vav” with a dot over it, or by any letter with the dot to the left of the top.
Students also studied ט“tet”–the first letter in tallit, Tu B’Shevat, and the Hebrew version of telephone.
GODLY PLAY: we did another story in the holiday series.  The children of Israel left Egypt, but they still felt like slaves.  When Pharaoh’s army pursued them into the desert, they panicked.  Moses raised his hands, but the Sea of Reeds did not part. Afraid to step into the water, the tribes bickered about who should be the first to step into the water. Finally, Nachshon of the tribe of Judah stepped in.  After Nachshon’s show of faith in G-d, the waters parted’
The students so enjoy watching the story acted out with wooden figures, felt scenery, and “wondering” questions. See the pictures below.
We closed with Ann Green’s Pesach parody to the tune of the Dreidel Song
Hag sameach. There is no school the next two Sundays.  See you on April 30.

Judy and Cheryl (Esther andTzipporah)