July 26, 2024 |

Fun With Food!

Posted on April 9, 2017

Shalom Food Elective Families,

What a great 3 weeks we had with your students tasting and cooking different foods, and connecting it to freedom, slavery and justice.

After spending the first week in the classroom tasting different Passover and Hametz foods, we moved into the kitchen in the second week to make a delicious vegetarian broth and matzah balls.  Students had fun spicing up the broth with vegetables, mixing the matzah ball mix and rolling matzah balls.  Of course the eating was a great highlight too!  In addition to the cooking there was also an art project – a tissue paper decoupage matzah tray to use at your Seder.  First the students pasted different words, relating to the foods tasted/cooked and concepts discussed,  on to their trays.  The next week students completed their trays with the tissue paper decoupage.

Sampling the soup and matzah balls went hand in hand with some dinner table conversation.

This last week, our final week of the Elective,  students arrived at Hebrew School ready for dessert!  This week we made a matzah covered caramel buttercrunch dessert.  Everyone took a turn to pour sugar into melted butter and stir the mixture.  After an adult poured the mixture over the matzah, students took turns to “schmear”  the topping over the matzah.  After the baking was complete, students put chocolate chips on top, which melted,  and everyone took a turn to schmear this too!  The highlight of this week?  Tasting the dessert of course!  And it was yummy!
Once again, there was conversation around the table relating to the concepts of freedom, slavery and justice.

Here is the link to the dessert recipe.  We hope you enjoy!

We all had so much fun learning, crafting and cooking with your son/daughter!  We hope you enjoy making these foods at home with your children.  Wishing you all a Chag Pesach Sameach!
Elana, Helaine and Daphne